Tsinghua Bamboo Slips "Zhou Gong Zhi Qin Wu" lost poems of T
The Identification and Significance of Tsinghua Bamboo Slips "Zhou Gong Zhi Qin Wu" in Poetic History
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XU Zheng-ying MA Fang ( School of Liberal Arts, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China)
Abstr:"Zhou Gong Zhi Qin Wu" on the Bamboo Slips of the Warring States Period Collected by Tsinghua University, Vol. IIl preserves four sentences of Zhou Gong's warning poems and nine warning poems of Emperor Cheng during the Zhou Dynasty. It has title, short preface, and musical signs, the structure of which is a trinity of poetry, music and dance. Emperor Cheng's nine poems compose unabridged group poems. This composition accords with the structure of the age-old music, in which each group is formed by nine pieces. The nine poems' contents are cohesive The primary pattern of Zhong Song in The Book of Poetry is also the group poems. So the nine poems are complete group poems. The first poem of the group, namely Jing Zhi, is found in Zhou Song of The Book of Songs. So the nine poems in the group should all belong to Zhou Song of The Book of Songs. Also it can be known from the short preface, Zhou Gong originally should have nine poems, which were also the lost poems of The Book of Songs. Here are three points about the poetic historical significance of the seventeen lost poems: first, they provide new support for the remark of Confucius' deleting poems, providing text sample for the viewpoint that Confucius deleted poems ninetenths, and weakened the core reason of the negative views. They give new highlight to the viewpoint "deleting the duplications," which was put forward by Sima Qian. The viewpoint " deleting the duplications" not only means deleting the repeats, but also deleting the ones with similar contents. Second, they provide new evidence for the respond to The Poetics question produced by "Mao Shi Xu. " Third, they reveal that Song poetry is different from Feng poetry and Y
Keyword::Tsinghua Bamboo Slips "Zhou Gong Zhi Qin Wu" lost poems of The Book of Songs Confucius'deleting poems the epoch when Shi Xu was produced a trinity of poetry, music and dance