ancient village evaluation of integrated value tourism devel
Research on Evaluation of Ancient Village's Integrated Value of the Protection and Development:A Case Study of Pan' an County of Zhejiang Province
[1] [2]
Yang Liting, Zeng Zhen ( 1. Center for Historical Geography, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China ; 2. Wenchang Senior High School, Hangzhou 311121, China)
[1]復(fù)旦大學(xué)歷史地理研究中心,上海200433; [2]杭州市余杭區(qū)文昌高級中學(xué),杭州311121
Abstr:Based on the combination of AHP and linear weighted function method, an ancient village' s inte- grated value model of protection and development is built in this paper. Through determining the weights of evalua- tion targets with Delphi method, it combines the qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis efficiently which will make a contribution to strengthen the scientificalness, objectivity and veracity of the evaluation and serve for the de- cision-making of ancient village tourism development. The research showed that the factor of the architectural re- mains makes the greatest influence on ancient village' s integrated value, and the ranking of the integrated value cannot completely represent the real situation of the ancient villages. A thorough analysis should be made using the data and targets. Taking Pan'an County of Zhejiang Province as an example, this paper gives an integrated evalua- tion about 19 typical ancient villages in the county. Based on the evaluation result of the county' s ancient village tourism development, the paper analyzes the reference value and the guiding significance. At last, a number of advices are put foward on the protection and development of ancient villages in Pan'an County.
Keyword::ancient village evaluation of integrated value tourism development AHP linear weighted function method Pan'an County of Zhejiang Province