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l(f)r(sh)g2018-10-30 07:47
ժҪ _˹(gu)vʷϵҪr(sh),(jng)(j)(hu)ĻȶxϽ_(ki)(gu)vʷµһ(y)ڽ(jng)(j)ʒl,RΣ_˹y(tng)ȡһϵЄ(chung)e(gu)(jng)(j),So(h)(hu)(wn),(hu)ͻ˹е˼Sģʽ,^̶Ͼ˽(jng)(j)ΣC(j)Đ^(gu),So(h)(gu)(hu)ŒȺwĻ,S˽(jng)(j)(dng)ʎµ(hu)(wn),(gu)(hu)ƶȎµĚvʷA b_˹Ҫx,SW(xu)ߌ(du)M(jn)оĿǰֹ(sh)ČW(xu)g(sh)(zhun)עڽY(ji)ؔ(ci),ĽژI(y)I(y)r(nng)I(y)֏(f)˾ĸߵȽǶ̽ӑ_˹wό(du)(gu)(jng)(j)̈́YP(gun)ϵӰ,(zhun)T(mn)ᘌ(du)(hu)ߺ(hu)ƶȼúӰ푵ķо֮Փஔ(dng)I Ŀǰ,Ї(gu)W(xu)g(sh)猦(du)_˹оҪԼ((du)(gu)y(tng)֮š֮{(dio)͸ĸģʽӰ)(jng)(j)((gu)ҸA(y)(jng)(j))R(sh)ΑB(ti)((gu)a(chn)xhɼ˼İl(f)չ{(dio)(ji)A(j)_ͻ͌(du))ȷ;ᘌ(du)_˹(hu)M(jn)UҪS(dng)(gu)(hu)ߡţĹ(gu)(hu)ƶȵİl(f)չ(zhun)c(din)L(gu)(hu)ƶȵİl(f)չF(xin),MӑՓ_˹(hu)ߌ(du)(dng)(gu)(hu)ƶȵҪx,δ@ЩΏΡ(jng)(j)˼ĻӰ(gu)(hu) ,ȷ(gu)y(tng)(hu)(hu)ȝ(j)˼,Լڴ˻A(ch)Ͻ(hu)C(j),(jng)(j)ʒlg𿂽y(tng)(du)(hu);ȝ(j)đB(ti)Ⱥ̎ʽM(jn)_˹cQŒȺw͘I(y)ϻˮƽP(gun)(hu)ߞоc(din),̽ӑͷ@Щߌ(du)˺͋DŮ(sh)Ⱥwúx˺^u(png)@ЩߵĚvʷx,ڿ@ЩߵČ(du)ԭ(hu)ͻ(dng)r(sh)(hu)񱊵ձB(ti)ȡ߈(zh)ra(chn)ĚvʷӰ푵ĻA(ch),ՓČ(du)_˹(hu)ƶڽ(jng)(j)κ;w(sh)ʩϵIJ֮̎M(jn),U@Щߌ(du)(gu)y(tng)ƶȵͻ,ՓC(gu)ṩ(hu);͘I(y)ȝ(j)ıҪ
[Abstract]:Roosevelt's "New deal" was an important period in American history, which opened a new page in American history in the sense of politics, economy and social culture. In the predicament of the Great Depression, the dying President Roosevelt took a series of innovative measures to save the American economy and maintain social stability. Among them, the social welfare policy has broken through the inherent thinking and pattern, alleviated to a large extent the worsening process of the economic crisis, safeguarded the basic interests of the middle and lower classes of American society, and maintained the social stability under the economic turmoil. The social welfare system of the United States has entered a new historical stage. In view of the importance of Roosevelt's New deal, many scholars deeply studied the New deal. So far, most of the academic monographs have focused on discussing the overall impact of Roosevelt's "New deal" on American politics, economy and labor relations from the perspectives of finance, industry, agricultural recovery and administration, and judicial reform policies, in combination with fiscal strategies. The analysis and research on the social welfare policy and the social welfare system, its function and influence of the New deal are rather scarce. At present, the study of Roosevelt's "New deal" in Chinese academia is still focused on politics (the influence on the post of US President and the mode of government adjustment and reform after it). Economy (state intervention in the economy) and ideology (the development of communist parties and ideology in the United States, the adjustment of class conflicts and antagonism); The main works on the social welfare policy of Roosevelt's New deal are Huang'an 's Social Security Policy in Contemporary America and Niu Wenguang's the Development of American Social Security system. Since these monographs focus on depicting the development and current situation of the social welfare system in the United States, although they discussed the importance of Roosevelt's "New deal" social welfare policy to the contemporary American social security system, But there is no in-depth analysis of how these policies affect American society politically, economically, and ideologically and culturally. Therefore, this paper first analyzes the traditional American social welfare and social relief thoughts, and the social welfare mechanism established on this basis, and reviews President Hoover's attitude towards social welfare and social relief needs during the Great Depression. This paper focuses on the social welfare policies in Roosevelt's New deal, which are related to solving the employment of the middle and lower classes and ensuring the basic living standard, and discusses and analyzes the role and significance of these policies to the disadvantaged groups such as black and women. In order to judge the historical significance of these policies macroscopically, on the basis of examining the breakthrough of these policies to the original concept of social welfare, the general attitude of the people at that time, the implementation of the policies and the historical impact they have had, This paper analyzes the economic, political and practical deficiencies of Roosevelt's "New deal" social welfare system, and expounds the breakthrough of these policies to the traditional welfare system in the United States. To demonstrate the necessity of providing social welfare and employment relief to the people by the state government.


P(gun)ڿՓ ǰ10l

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5 ;҇(gu){(dio)gоC[J];C(hu)ƌW(xu);200505

6 ;ʧI(y)U(xin)ƶȵć(gu)H^cb[J];CW(xu)ԺW(xu)(bo);200203

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3 ;l(xing)(hu)(hu)18701920(gu)D(zhun)о[D];AЎW(xu);2001

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5 ;ÿU(xin)Ɇ(wn)}о[D];Ϻ\(yn)W(xu)Ժ;2001

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10 흙(rn);(hu)ƶȱ^Փ[D];Ї(gu)W(xu);2003





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