

發(fā)布時間:2018-02-09 02:20

  本文關鍵詞: 唐代銓選 判文 試判文本 試判體制 試判題材 判斷依據(jù) 出處:《鄭州大學》2013年博士論文 論文類型:學位論文

【摘要】:“判”是中國文學中最具代表性的文體之一,在唐代以前經(jīng)歷了一個很長的發(fā)展過程。其產(chǎn)生之初,原本是政府官員用來處理行政司法事務的公文,在唐代用于取士選官,便產(chǎn)生了“試判”這一特殊類型。本文所研究的唐代“試判”,既包括唐代官方主持的各類選官活動中創(chuàng)作的官試判,又包括唐人為了在這類考試中取得優(yōu)秀成績,私下練習自測的私試判和用來參考模仿的程式試判。由于銓選制度的影響,試判在唐代極為興盛,成為唐判的重要組成部分。研究唐代試判,對全面理解唐代文學和文化有重要意義。 本文從取士選官的政治制度入手,從考試學的角度,對“試判”這一文本進行全面系統(tǒng)的專門研究。主要的內容如下: 第一章唐代判文概述根據(jù)文獻資料,對唐代判文文獻進行梳理,分別考證論述亡佚和傳世的唐代判文文獻,梳理出唐代判文文本約一千三百篇。將唐代判文分為試判、案判和雜判三類,其中現(xiàn)存試判文本為一千一百八十五篇。其它為案判和雜判。 第二章唐代試判制度考述本章分別對唐代流外入流、春關、銓選和書判拔萃科以判為試項的選官活動進行論述,通過參加選官活動的考生人選及其知識構成、考試錄取的比例、試判對選官活動的影響,分析試判在選官活動中發(fā)揮的作用:流外入流的考試對象是以勛戚子弟為主的流外官,試判難度低,錄取標準寬松,常被批評流于形式;春關試判主要針對剛通過進士、明經(jīng)等科舉考試的及第者,試判優(yōu)劣影響他們參加銓選時間的早晚;相比而言,試判在銓選活動中發(fā)揮著更大的作用。銓選要求每位選人試判的水平都要達到一定的標準,否則不予授官。而且,達到一定標準的選人,試判的優(yōu)劣高下還影響到他們所授官職的好壞。唐人參加銓選需要符合一定的年限“資格”,如果擅長試判,則可以提前參加書判拔萃科的科目選試,完全由試判成績來決定是否登科和相應的授官結果。所以說,試判在唐代取士選官中的作用是越來越重要的。 第三章唐代試判的形式體制本章將唐代試判的結構分為篇名、判目和判對三部分。首先,篇名疑為后人所加,從略。關于試判的判目取材,根據(jù)來源出處的不同,分為公務案牘式、經(jīng)籍古義式和僻書曲學式三種類型。其中,公務案牘式指以州縣案牘、時事疑議為判目的模式;經(jīng)籍古義式是以官方指定的經(jīng)史典籍為判目的模式;僻書曲學式是指以偏僻典籍和隱伏之義為判目的模式。唐代試判,最初取材于公務案牘,不數(shù)年的時間,其取材迅速轉向經(jīng)史典籍和僻書曲學,之后多種模式的判目并存。所以,由此造成相應的試判難度的變化,也是由易到難,之后保持著較為適中的難易程度。 其次,分析判目的結構,將它們從內容上分為涉案人物、事件背景、事件過程、異議處斷和抗辯詞五個組成部分。每一個部分都存在繁簡程度不同的復雜式和簡略式,所形成的判目也就呈現(xiàn)出詳略不同的變化。應當注意的是,同一則判目中,各個組成部分的繁簡程度往往是不同步的:有些判目對事件背景和事件過程的敘述較為詳細,而抗辯詞較為簡略;也有些判目人物和事件簡略,而疑議處置和抗辯詞稍詳?傊,各個組成部分的繁簡程度常常是不同步的。涉案人物和基本事件是判目的核心組成部分,雖有繁簡程度的不同,一般不會完全省略,而另外三部分都存在被完全省略的情況。另外,一些判目還存在同時省略多個組成部分的情況。 再次,將判對的結構分為“判頭”、“判項"和“判尾”三部分。其中判頭也稱為開題詞,用于開篇對判目中的人、事、地或物進行背景定位;判項包括承接語、述題語和析題語三部分,是對文最重要的組成結構,用于復述案情,并進行援經(jīng)據(jù)典的論證說明;判尾又稱判決詞,對判目案情進行是非曲直的裁判和斷決。 最后,分析“判對”的文學特征,其中包括判文語言形式的發(fā)揮和陳述表達的藝術性。語言形式上的發(fā)揮,包括對偶的精致和講究,音韻的平仄和諧等;判對的陳述方式,有對事件背景由來的鋪敘說明,有對人們遭遇的關心同情,有以古典故事為例的說理論證。既表現(xiàn)出作者臨政治民的吏能,又展示了其文學創(chuàng)作的才華。 第四章唐代試判的題材通過對試判文本的分析,我們引進現(xiàn)代法律學概念,按照判目中提供的“案件”性質的不同,將它們分為刑事案件、行政案件、民事案件及其他案件幾個方面,論述唐代試判涉及的題材內容。并且,我們還對比試判題材與唐代現(xiàn)實案件的不同,分析試判題材作為考試內容的特殊性:既與現(xiàn)實有聯(lián)系,又有很大區(qū)別;內容的判斷有一定的難度,又有相對一致的答案;試判有很多出于經(jīng)史典籍的材料。我們分析,這些特點都與試判用于取士選官的活動有關。 第五章唐代試判的判斷依據(jù)本章主要分析唐人試判判斷是非曲直的依據(jù)及其特點。首先,唐人以律、令、格、式等形式的律法作為判斷是非曲直、裁斷功過賞罰的最直接、最重要的依據(jù)。試判依據(jù)律法進行判決,表現(xiàn)出取近舍遠、取高舍低的特點:即對某一事件的規(guī)定,在不同時間頒布的不同律法發(fā)生矛盾時,以離事件更近的律法為主;在更高級別的政府部門和普通規(guī)定有矛盾時,取更高級別的規(guī)定為依據(jù)。 其次,我們分析認為,唐人以承載儒家精神的“經(jīng)史”作為判斷是非曲直的內在的依據(jù)。唐人以經(jīng)史為依據(jù),首先表現(xiàn)為經(jīng)史中記載的古代制度,其次是儒家經(jīng)義的崇禮、仁愛、孝悌、忠義等精神,以及承載這種精神的典型人物和事跡,如圣賢、圣賢子弟,儒學大師、循吏良吏等。人們在不同的儒家精神之間,取為判斷依據(jù)時,往往以仁愛和孝悌為其中的最高依據(jù)。 再次,通過實際的文本分析,我們發(fā)現(xiàn)唐人除了嚴格依據(jù)律法、經(jīng)史的內容來判決外,還常常根據(jù)實際情況,進行審時度勢的變通。 最后,我們發(fā)現(xiàn),不同人對同一件事,存在不同甚至相反的處理意見。通過對文本的詳細分析,認為這種同事不同判的現(xiàn)象,是由人們判斷事件時依據(jù)律法還是經(jīng)史、處置的寬嚴、是否變通等原因造成的。
[Abstract]:As one of the most representative literary styles in Chinese literature , " award " is one of the most representative literary styles in Chinese literature . In the beginning of Tang Dynasty , it was the official document used by government officials to handle administrative judicial affairs . This paper starts with the political system of the choosing officer , from the point of view of the examination , carries on the special study of the comprehensive system of the text of " trial judge " . The main contents are as follows : In the first chapter , according to the documents of the Tang Dynasty , the literature of Tang Dynasty was reviewed , and the literature of Tang Dynasty was divided into three categories : trial judgement , case judgment and miscellaneous sentence . Among them , the text of Tang Dynasty was divided into trial judgement , case judgment and miscellaneous sentence . Among them , the existing test text was one hundred and eighty five . Others were judged and sentenced . In the second chapter , the author discusses the influence of the examination and judgment on the activities of the selected officers by taking the candidates and the knowledge of the candidates , the proportion of the candidates who participated in the examination and the judgment of the candidates who had passed the examination . The third chapter is divided into three types : length , judgment and judgment . First , the textual criticism is the mode of judging the purpose . First of all , it is divided into three types of official documents , classics and remote books according to different sources . Secondly , the structure of the sentence is analyzed , which is divided into five parts : the characters of the case , the background of the event , the process of the event , the fault of the objection and the defense . Thirdly , the structure of the sentence is divided into three parts : the sentence head , the sentence and the tail . The sentence is also known as the opening word , which is used for opening the background of the person , the matter , the ground or the object in the judgment ; the judgment includes the language of receiving , the subject and the three parts of the subject , which is the most important constituent structure of the text , is used for retelling the case , and assists the demonstration note of the scriptures ; and the tail is also referred to as the judgment word , and the judgment and judgment on the case of the sentence are judged . Finally , the author analyzes the literary features of the " sentence pair " , including the function of the language form of the sentence and the artistic nature of the presentation expression . In the fourth chapter , the subject matter of Tang Dynasty ' s trial judgement is analyzed , we introduce the concept of modern legal science , classify them into criminal cases , administrative cases , civil cases and other cases according to the nature of " cases " provided in the orders . In the fifth chapter , the judgment of the Tang Dynasty ' s trial judgement is based on the analysis of the judgment of the Tang Dynasty . First of all , the Tang Dynasty , taking the form of law , order , lattice and formula as the most direct and most important basis for judging the merits and demerits of the judgment , made the judgment according to the law as the most direct and most important basis . Secondly , we analyze that the Tang Dynasty , based on the history of Confucian classics , first appeared as the ancient system recorded in the history , followed by the spirit of Confucian classics , benevolence , filial piety , loyalty and so on . Thirdly , through the actual text analysis , we find that in addition to the strict accordance with the law and the content of the history , the Tang people often carry out the transformation of the current situation according to the actual situation . Finally , we find that the different people have different opinions about the same thing . Through the detailed analysis of the text , it is believed that the phenomenon of different judgment of the colleague is caused by people ' s judgment whether the law is based on the law or the history , the seriousness of the disposition , whether it is turned on or not .



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8 譚淑娟;;隸事的變體與范式的立則——張澾《龍筋鳳髓判》的性質及創(chuàng)作分析[J];貴陽學院學報(社會科學版);2008年03期

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2 譚淑娟;唐代判文研究[D];西北師范大學;2009年

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1 潘峰;《龍筋鳳髓判》律文探析[D];吉林大學;2007年

2 張廣濟;唐代判文獻及其社會控制思想研究[D];吉林大學;2007年





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