[Abstract]:In the early Ming Dynasty, Zhou Xueshu asked to renew the history of Song Dynasty, which officially opened the prelude to the study of Song History in Ming Dynasty. The subsequent study of the history of the Song Dynasty was carried out along the two paths of official study and private fiction. The completion of the Compendium of continuing the Capital and Governance of the Government inspired scholars to re-interpret the historical events of Song Dynasty from the perspective of warning under the guidance of Cheng Zhu Neo-Confucianism, and the educational color of historical works was heavy. The private biographies of the Song people played an important role in the research results of the early Song history, which provided important historical materials for the further study of the history of the Song Dynasty, in which the biographies of Neo-Confucianism devoted themselves to the textual criticism and origin of Neo-Confucianism, and revealed the academic esocience, which played an important role in the history of the development of Neo-Confucianism. The private works on the history of Song Dynasty are fair, clear and profound, which shows the valuable spirit of practical learning, and is a prominent manifestation of the deep development of historiography in Ming Dynasty. The private study activities in this period were paid attention to by the Ming Dynasty and opened up a situation for the prosperity of the study of Song history.
【作者單位】: 鄭州大學歷史學院;
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