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This study took the Mingfa Binjiang New Town Project (BJ project) in Nanjing, China as the object to explore the strategy of stakeholder management of construction project in China. This study took qualitative research as a research approach. This study used a semi-structured interview to collect data. It was through interviewing 12 stakeholders of BJ project to reveal that the characteristics of the stakeholder management mode of the project was that the management did not take the initiative to resolve the conflict among the stakeholders, all parties maximized to pursue their own goals and interests while ignoring the other stakeholders’ interests, this mode was apt to cause conflict and contradiction among stakeholders, which was not conducive to the smooth progress of the project, in the long run, it would bring problems to the project in terms of quality and environmental aspects. The research results of this study showed that in terms of the stakeholder management of BJ project, the management did not adhere to a systematic thinking but upheld the principle of taking the interests of core stakeholders as the priority. Therefore, in project management, they were often just from their own interests to ignore the legitimate interests of other stakeholders. Judging from the stakeholder management of BJ project, the management did not adhere to a forward-looking principle but uphold a passive, postmortem management principle. This management strategy was not conducive to the smooth progress of the project, it increased the difficulty of the developer in coordinating the interests of all parties and it was very unfavorable for building a relationship of trust among all stakeholders. Considering from the stakeholders management of BJ project, both the government and the developer are primarily concerned about the short-term interests of the project while ignoring long-term interests. This stakeholder management strategy will not help the developer to establish a good social image and public relations, as well as get a long-term support from the stakeholders of the project. Judging from stakeholder management of BJ project, the management did not pay attention to the impact of the construction project on the local environmental, nor did them pay attention to the use of green technology. 
Finally,the author was from the perspectives of systematic management, foreseeing management, long-term management, sustainable development to bring forward recommendations on the future stakeholder management of BJ project. 

Keywords: construction project; stakeholder management; the Mingfa Binjiang new town project (BJ project); systematic principle; foreseeing principle; long-term principle; sustainable development principle

Table of Content目錄

1.0 Introduction................................................................................................................................5
1.1 General introduction..............................................................................................................5
1.2 Problem statement..................................................................................................................6
1.3 Aim and research question.....................................................................................................7
1.4 Disposition.............................................................................................................................8
2.0 Methodology...............................................................................................................................9
2.1Research design.......................................................................................................................9
2.2 Research methods..................................................................................................................9
2.2.1 Semi-structured interview.............................................................................................9
2.2.2 Interview outline.........................................................................................................10
2.2.3Interview process........................................................................................................10
2.3 Research limitation..............................................................................................................12
3.0 Theory........................................................................................................................................13
3.1 Definition of Stakeholder.....................................................................................................13
3.2 Identifying stakeholders.......................................................................................................14
3.3 Stakeholder classification.....................................................................................................15
3.4 The research of stakeholder in construction field................................................................17
3.5 The research of stakeholder management mode in construction field.................................18
3.6 The research of stakeholder management strategy in construction field.............................21
3.7 Stakeholder management principle......................................................................................24 
3.7.1 Systematic principle....................................................................................................24
3.7.2 Foreseeing principle...................................................................................................24 
3.7.3 Long-term principle....................................................................................................25
3.7.4. Sustainable development principle...........................................................................26 
4.0 Presentation of the Case..........................................................................................................29 
4.1 Nanjing Mingfa Bingjiang New Town Project....................................................................29
4.2 Project Features....................................................................................................................31
4.3 Project objectives.................................................................................................................32
4.3.1 Schedule objective.......................................................................................................32
4.3.2 Security objectives.......................................................................................................32
4.3.3 Civilized construction target.......................................................................................32
4.3.4 Cost target...................................................................................................................33
4.4 Stakeholder analysis.............................................................................................................33
4.4.1 Investor........................................................................................................................34
4.4.2 Staff..............................................................................................................................34
4.4.3 Responsibilities of supervision unit.............................................................................34
4.4.4 Responsibilities of surveying unit...............................................................................35 
4.4.5 Responsibilities of design unit.....................................................................................35
4.4.6 Responsibilities of local government..........................................................................36
4.4.7 Responsibilities of local community...........................................................................36
4.4.8 Consumer....................................................................................................................36
4.4.9 Supplier.......................................................................................................................37
4.4.10 Coordination manner................................................................................................37
5.0 Findings and Analysis.............................................................................................................38
5.1 Findings...............................................................................................................................38
5.1.1 Staff.............................................................................................................................38
5.1.2 Supplier.......................................................................................................................39
5.1.3 Supervisor....................................................................................................................39
5.1.4 Surveyor......................................................................................................................40
5.1.5 Community..................................................................................................................40
5.1.6 Resident.......................................................................................................................41
5.1.7 Management personnel...............................................................................................41
5.1.8 Designer......................................................................................................................43
5.1.9 Government.................................................................................................................43 
5.1.10 Consumer..................................................................................................................44
5.2 Analysis...............................................................................................................................45
5.2.1 Classification of stakeholder and relationship among stakeholders.........................45
5.2.2 Stakeholder management mode.................................................................................47
6.0 Discussion and Recommendations.........................................................................................49
6.1 Discussions...........................................................................................................................49
6.1.1 Systematic principle....................................................................................................49
6.1.2 Foreseeing principle...................................................................................................50
6.1.3 Long-term principle....................................................................................................51
6.1.4 Sustainable development principle...............................................................................52
6.2 Recommendations................................................................................................................54
6.2.1 Systematic management..............................................................................................54
6.2.2Foreseeing management..............................................................................................55
6.2.3 Long-term interest management..................................................................................57
6.2.4 Sustainable development management.........................................................................58
7.0 Conclusion.................................................................................................................................60
1.0 Introduction
1.1 General introduction
Construction industry is the pillar industry of a country. It plays an important role in nation-building, social development and progress. With the acceleration of economic globalization, market-oriented and information technology, as well as the continuous development of science and technology, modern construction projects have undergone tremendous changes in terms of the scale, structure, technology and environment aspects. People have recognized that building activities is a complex process, there is a need to continue to strengthen project management, thus they make use of scientific management thoughts, theories and methods to improve their management level, in order to gain a competitive edge in the fierce market, and ultimately effectively achieve the objectives of a project.
There are many issues relating to a modern construction project, such as: capital investment, risk control, conflict resolution etc. In order to ensure the requirements of duration, quality, and investment, there is a need to coordinate all factors, especially the conflict among various stakeholders. Those stakeholders are not only direct participants of a construction project, such as the project company, project management, design, supervision, construction and other units, but also the project sponsor, the surrounding communities, project-related departments of government and loan syndication etc. These stakeholders form a large organization, and the relationship between them is complex. How to coordinate the relationship between the various stakeholders is directly related to the success of a project. 


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