"Talking about Aesthetics" "Letters of Aesthetics" life arti
From Human Life Aesthetics to Humanism Aesthetics——Comparing the Early Stage and the Latter Stage of Zhu Guangqian's Aesthetics
[1] [2]
ZHANG Ze-hong,WAN Xiao-ping(1.School of Arts,Dongnan University,Nanjing 211189,China;2.Dept.of Philosophy,Anhui University,Hefei 230039,China)
[1]東南大學藝術學院,江蘇南京211189; [2]安徽大學哲學系,安徽合肥230039
Abstr:More than 60-year academic career of Zhu Guangqian can be broadly divided into the Early Stage(1897-1949) and the Latter Stage(1949-1986)."Talking about Aesthetics"(1932) and "Letters of Aesthetics"(1980) are Zhu Guangqian's aesthetic masterpieces of two periods.In this paper,by studying the two main texts,we want to make a detailed analysis of Zhu Guangqian's pre-and post aesthetics content as well as the aesthetic ideas of the main similarities and differences.In the comparison,we may have a glimpse into the evolution of Zhu's aesthetic thought track and its characteristics.There is the concept of the stick in the discourse metamorphosis.Changing external passive "thought reform" into the inner active "aesthetic breakthrough",Zhu had transformed the early stage "human life aesthetics" based on Kant-Croce's intuitive theory into the latter stage "humanitarian Aesthetics" based on Marxist.But the aesthetic and art's humanism objectives of servicing human nature remain unchanged.
Keyword::"Talking about Aesthetics" "Letters of Aesthetics" life artistry humanism
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