Chinese characteristics democracy and the rule of law path r
Revisiting the Path of Building Socialist Democracy and the Rule of Law with Chinese Characteristics
DING Xin-zheng (Institute of Law, Chongqing Academy of Social Sciences, Chongqing, 400020, China)
Abstr:Democracy and the rule of law are interdependent and reciprocally compatible , reinforcing each other and modulating the check and balance between liberty and compulsion within the public domain .Democracy is not simply determined by the majority , but rather it it should be kept under the law to uphold the rights of individual citizens and prevent the tyrannical acts of the majority .The principle of the construction of socialist democracy and the rule of law with Chinese characteristics lies in ensuring ‘the unity of the leadership of the Party , the position of the people as masters of the country and law-based governance ’ .With respect to the path of building socialist de-mocracy and the rule of law with Chinese characteristics , we need to implement the people-oriented political philos-ophy , stress the importance of improving people ’ s livelihood in political construction in the spirit of regarding the working people as the masters of the country , and realize democracy in a gradual and orderly manner , to which end, we are expected to achieve democracy through visible means such as elections .In the process of building so-cialist democracy and the rule of law with Chinese characteristics , we should highlight the improvement of people ’ s livelihood , with equal attention paid to both democracy and the rule of law .Meanwhile , we should work to guar-antee people ’ s right to vote and foster civic responsibility .Moreover , we should expand the scope of direct election in an orderly way , thus to construct the public domain and promote the development of consultative democracy .
Keyword::Chinese characteristics democracy and the rule of law path restudy