論協(xié)商民主機制在中國環(huán)境法治中的應用 作者:周珂 騰延娟
[摘要] 環(huán)境保護作為公共事務,需要一種公共治理模式,在公共治理中政府、企業(yè)與公民社會團體都不是也不應該是唯一的治理主體。環(huán)境協(xié)商民主機制是建立環(huán)境治理主體良性互動網絡治理機制的最佳途徑,是突破環(huán)境法律制度瓶頸的必然選擇,是實現(xiàn)環(huán)境公共領域良好治理的重要保障。環(huán)境協(xié)商民主機制在環(huán)境法治中能夠并應該發(fā)揮“造法”功能,為環(huán)境法的理念、原則和制度創(chuàng)新提供合法性基礎。環(huán)境法治需要依賴環(huán)境協(xié)商民主機制,通過建立和完善相應的程序機制,保障政府、企業(yè)和公民社會團體以平等的身份通過民主協(xié)商設定各自的行動范圍和有效邊界,設定各自的權力、權利和義務的內容,實現(xiàn)環(huán)境公平正義。環(huán)境協(xié)商民主在中國還是一個新事物,應受到環(huán)境法學界的關注。
[關鍵詞] 公共治理; 協(xié)商民主; 環(huán)境協(xié)商民主機制; 環(huán)境法治; 造法功能; 公眾參與; 責任追究機制; 環(huán)境司法聯(lián)動機制
Deliberative Democracy Mechanism in the Rule of Chinas Environmental Law
Zhou KeTeng Yanjuan
(Law School, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China)
Abstract: The development history of deliberative democracy itself, as a form of democracy, has only a short span of thirty years. With the rapid development of economic
globalization, regional integration discussions and information technology, interestrelated parties tend to be pluralistic and interest demand tends to be diversified, hence multiple stakeholders need to reach a consensus. Therefore, deliberative democracy itself is also drawing more and more attention of Eastern and Western scholars. The academic research of deliberative democracy mainly focuses on the researches of the basic theory, the connotations of deliberative democracy theory,, the orientation of the deliberative democracy theory in the whole democratic system, and the
relationship between deliberative democracy theory and freedom, equality, fairness, justice etc. With the more prominent environmental problems in China, environmental protection has aroused increasing concerns. Environmental protection involves the conflicts of multi subject and multi interests, so a mechanism is needed to reach a consensus on the environmental interests, and the best way to establish this mechanism should be deliberative democracy. Deliberative democracy is the inevitable choice to break through the bottleneck of environmental legal system.
This paper holds that the environment coordinating democracy should not be a single principle, rule or system, but a dynamic operational mechanism throughout the whole process of