本文選題:糜子 + 粳糯性。 參考:《西北農林科技大學》2016年博士論文
【摘要】:糜子是我國干旱半干旱地區(qū)的重要糧食作物,富含蛋白質、淀粉、膳食纖維及多種微量元素,是重要的醫(yī)食同源型食品資源,備受營養(yǎng)學家和消費者青睞。但因其適口性較差,加工特性不佳,未被廣泛應用。淀粉作為糜子籽粒的主要組分,其理化性質影響著糜子的加工利用與功能特性,目前有關其淀粉理化性質的研究鮮見報道。因此,研究不同基因型糜子品種淀粉理化特性,篩選適于市場需求的加工品種,對實現(xiàn)糜子加工增值,促進產區(qū)農民增收和農業(yè)可持續(xù)發(fā)展具有重要意義。本研究以12個粳性糜子品種和7個糯性糜子品種為材料,系統(tǒng)地研究了糜子淀粉的顆粒形態(tài)、晶體結構、直鏈淀粉含量、透明度、凍融穩(wěn)定性、凝沉性、溶解度與膨脹度、糊化特性和熱焓特性等理化性質,探究了環(huán)境生態(tài)條件對糜子淀粉理化性質的調控效應,并與蕎麥、玉米、馬鈴薯淀粉進行了比較分析。研究得出以下主要結論:(1)不同粳性糜子品種間淀粉直鏈淀粉含量、透明度、凍融穩(wěn)定性、凝沉性、溶解度與膨脹度以及糊化特性均存在顯著差異。粳性糜子淀粉顆粒呈棱角圓滑的多面體形或者球形,多面體形顆粒粒徑較大且所占比例較高,各品種間沒有明顯差異,部分淀粉顆粒表面有凹痕,粒徑大小范圍為3.76~12.02μm,結晶構型均屬于為A型。參試粳性糜子品種淀粉中直鏈淀粉含量、透光率、凍融析水率和凝沉體積百分比分別為8.01%~28.02%、9.93%~18.03%、32.43%~47.06%和15.5%~18.03%;90℃的溶解度與膨脹度分別為11.87%~22.67%、15.37%~21.46%;糊化指標中峰值黏度、破損值、回生值和糊化溫度分別為1.979~2.887 Pa·s、0.491~0.827 Pa·s、0.739~1.136 Pa·s和62.80~64.45℃。參試粳性糜子品種中,固05-223透明度最高,凍融穩(wěn)定性和抗凝沉性最好,且峰值黏度最大,冷糊穩(wěn)定性最好,抗老化能力強,易于糊化,適合用于飲料制品及冷凍食品的加工與利用。(2)不同糯性糜子品種間淀粉直鏈淀粉含量、透明度、凍融穩(wěn)定性、凝沉性、糊化特性及熱焓特性差異顯著。糯性糜子淀粉顆粒呈多角形或球形,多角形顆粒較大且所占比例較高,棱角并不十分明顯,有些淀粉顆粒表面出現(xiàn)凹陷結構,粒徑范圍為2.86~10.08μm,結晶構型均為A型。糯性糜子品種淀粉中直鏈淀粉含量、淀粉糊的透光率、凍融析水率和凝沉體積百分比分別為0.124%~1.391%、26.47%~32.05%、18.42%~26.94%和9.78%~10.27%;糊化指標中峰值黏度、破損值、回生值和糊化溫度分別為3.144~3.515 Pa·s、0.779~0.906 Pa·s、0.197~0.566 Pa·s和62.80~63.75℃;熱焓特性指標中起始溫度、峰值溫度、終結溫度及熱焓值的范圍分別為67.87~70.79℃、74.57~75.94℃、80.38~81.06℃和10.367~10.670 J/g。參試糯性糜子品種中,輻07-405淀粉的抗凝沉性和熱糊穩(wěn)定性最好,更適合用作食品穩(wěn)定劑及高溫罐制食品的加工材料。(3)不同生態(tài)區(qū)參試糜子品種的農藝性狀、產量表現(xiàn)及淀粉理化性質存在顯著性差異。10個糜子品種的株高、穗長、穗重、千粒重及產量表現(xiàn)在3個生態(tài)區(qū)不完全一致,其中差異最明顯的為產量表現(xiàn),陜西榆林地區(qū)(6488.0kg/hm2)顯著地高于陜西延安(2764.0kg/hm2)和山西大同(3172.3kg/hm2)地區(qū),這可能與不同生態(tài)區(qū)栽培條件以及糜子生育期內的降水量和日照時數(shù)有關。各糜子品種在3個參試區(qū)淀粉顆粒均表現(xiàn)為不規(guī)則多面體形或球形,多面體形顆粒所占比例較高且顆粒較大,球形顆粒小而少,部分淀粉顆粒表面因堿液腐蝕出現(xiàn)了凹陷現(xiàn)象,陜西榆林、陜西延安和山西大同3個生態(tài)區(qū)的糜子淀粉顆粒粒徑分別為3.54~12.02μm、3.62~13.14μm和3.10~12.06μm,晶體結構均為a型,但各糜子品種淀粉的衍射強度存在差異。在陜西榆林、陜西延安和山西大同3個參試區(qū),糜子淀粉中直鏈淀粉含量分別為8.01%~28.02%、7.65%~25.70%和8.81%~22.38%,透光率分別為9.93%~18.03%、10.13%~16.40%和10.17%~16.43%,凍融析水率分別為2.43%~47.07%、39.44%~55.50%和35.52%~45.83%。各糜子淀粉中直連淀粉含量、透光率及凍融析水率的總體平均值在3個參試區(qū)由高到低的依次是陜西榆林(22.77%)陜西延安(20.52%)山西大同(19.61%)、陜西榆林(12.73%)陜西延安(11.93%)山西大同(11.82%)和陜西延安(46.89%)山西大同(41.86%)陜西榆林(39.02%)。其參試糜子淀粉糊化的平均峰值黏度、破損值、回生值在3個參試區(qū)的高低次序均為:山西大同(0.874、1.072、1.326pa·s)陜西延安(0.643、0.714、0.923pa·s)陜西榆林(2.437、2.881、0.864pa·s)。在3個不同生態(tài)區(qū)淀粉凍融穩(wěn)定性均最好,峰值黏度最高,且冷糊穩(wěn)定性最強的品種均為固05-223,而熱糊穩(wěn)定性最好的品種均為蒙粳糜7號,其他品種淀粉的理化性質在不同參試區(qū)表現(xiàn)趨勢不完全一致。方差分析表明,糜子淀粉的直鏈淀粉含量、凍融穩(wěn)定性及糊化特性均受基因型、環(huán)境及基因型與環(huán)境互作效應的極顯著影響,而透明度僅受基因型、環(huán)境的顯著影響,受基因型與環(huán)境互作效應影響不顯著。(4)糜子淀粉與蕎麥、玉米、馬鈴薯淀粉的直鏈淀粉含量、透明度、凍融穩(wěn)定性及糊化特性均存在顯著性差異。糜子淀粉顆粒呈棱角圓滑的多角體形或球形,多角形顆粒較大且所占比例較高,與蕎麥、玉米淀粉顆粒相似,但與馬鈴薯淀粉顆粒不同。粳性糜子淀粉的粒徑(7.18μm)略大于糯性糜子淀粉(6.04μm),與蕎麥淀粉(7.02μm)相近,顯著小于玉米(12.15μm)、馬鈴薯(33.67μm)淀粉。糜子淀粉的結晶構型為a型,與蕎麥、玉米淀粉相似,但其衍射強度和結晶度存在一定的差異,在2θ角為15°、17°、18°、23°處,粳性糜子品種淀粉的平均衍射強度(377.5、395.5、422.5、338.5cps)和糯性糜子品種的相似(391.5、461.0、471.0、384.0cps),均低于蕎麥(461.0、570.0、576.0、514.5cps)及玉米(435.0、538.0、554.0、485.0cps)淀粉;而馬鈴薯淀粉的結晶構型為b型。此外,各類參試淀粉在2θ角為20°處均出現(xiàn)了弱強度的衍射峰。參試粳性、糯性糜子淀粉的結晶度相似,分別為45.36%、45.21%,高于蕎麥(35.77%)、玉米(40.65%)及馬鈴薯(38.81%)淀粉。各類參試淀粉中直鏈淀粉含量的大小為:蕎麥(39.01%)粳糜(27.15%)玉米(23.95%)馬鈴薯(22.21%)糯糜(1.36%);透光率表現(xiàn)為:糯糜(31.50%)馬鈴薯(25.10%)粳糜(15.31%)玉米(14.60%)蕎麥(7.37%)。各類參試淀粉均在1次凍融之后出現(xiàn)了分層現(xiàn)象,其淀粉糊凍融析水率的大小依次為:粳糜(47.49%)蕎麥(47.46%)玉米(23.31%)糯糜(20.21%)馬鈴薯(8.39%)。各類參試淀粉的溶解度與膨脹度隨著溫度的升高而增大,90℃時,各類參試淀粉的溶解度與膨脹度的大小順序一致,均為馬鈴薯(47.04%、59.98%)糯糜(34.42%、18.46%)粳糜(25.54%、12.22%)玉米(11.53%、11.67%)蕎麥(11.00%、10.88%);其峰值黏度、破損值和回生值的排序分別為:馬鈴薯(6.463 Pa·s)糯糜(3.356 Pa·s)玉米(2.059 Pa·s)苦蕎(2.121 Pa·s)粳糜(2.033 Pa·s)甜蕎(1.685 Pa·s)、馬鈴薯(2.123 Pa·s)糯糜(0.975 Pa·s)苦蕎(0.825 Pa·s)粳糜(0.498 Pa·s)玉米(0.415 Pa·s)甜蕎(0.412 Pa·s)和馬鈴薯(2.435 Pa·s)玉米(1.176 Pa·s)粳糜(0.999 Pa·s)苦蕎(0.803 Pa·s)甜蕎(0.737 Pa·s)糯糜(0.542 Pa·s)。總體而言,粳性糜子淀粉的熱糊穩(wěn)定性較好,適合用于制作加工過程中需高溫糊化的食品;而糯性糜子淀粉糊透明度較高,且凍融穩(wěn)定性及冷糊穩(wěn)定性較好,抗老化能力強,峰值黏度大,易糊化,適合應用于對產品透明度要求較高或冷凍制品的加工行業(yè)。
[Abstract]:Millet is an important grain crop in arid and semi-arid areas of China. It is rich in protein, starch, dietary fiber and a variety of trace elements. It is an important food source for food and food. It is favored by nutritionists and consumers. But because of its poor palatability and processing characteristics, it is not widely used. Starch is the main component of the grain of millet. Physical and chemical properties affect the processing and functional properties of millet. At present, the research on physicochemical properties of starch is rarely reported. Therefore, the study of physicochemical properties of starch in different genotypes of millet varieties and the selection of processing varieties suitable for market demand are important to increase the value added of the millet seed processing, promote the increase of farmers' income and the sustainable development of agriculture. In this study, the grain morphology, crystal structure, amylose content, transparency, freeze-thaw stability, condensability, solubility and expansion, gelatinization and enthalpy characteristics of the grain starch were systematically studied with 12 japonica millet varieties and 7 waxy millet varieties as materials. The regulation effect of the physicochemical properties and the comparison with buckwheat, corn and potato starch were carried out. The main conclusions were as follows: (1) the amylose content, transparency, freeze-thaw stability, condensability, solubility and dilatancy of Different Japonica rice varieties were significantly different from those of the gelatinization characteristics. The polygonal, polygonal shape or spherical shape, the polyhedron particle size is larger and the proportion is higher, there is no obvious difference between the varieties, some starch particles have a dent on the surface, the size of the grain size range is 3.76~12.02 m, the crystal configuration is A type. The percentage of the volume and the volume of the condensate were 8.01%~28.02%, 9.93%~18.03%, 32.43%~47.06% and 15.5%~18.03%, respectively, and the solubility and expansion of the 90 C were 11.87%~22.67%, 15.37%~21.46%, respectively, the peak viscosity, the damage value, the return value and the gelatinization temperature were 1.979~2.887 Pa. S respectively, and 0.491~0.827 Pa s. Among the japonica rice varieties, the 05-223 has the highest transparency, the best freeze thawing stability and the anticoagulant resistance, the maximum peak viscosity, the best stability of the cold paste, the strong aging resistance and easy to gelatinization. It is suitable for the processing and utilization of the beverage products and frozen food. (2) the amylose content, transparency and freezing thawing stability of different waxy chicooid varieties There are significant differences in nature, agglutination, gelatinization and enthalpy characteristics. Glutinous millet starch granules are polygonal or spherical, polygonal particles are larger and higher in proportion, and the angle is not very obvious. Some starch granules have a concave structure on the surface of starch granules, the size of grain size is 2.86~10.08 m, and the crystal configuration is A type. The powder content, the transmittance of starch paste, the freeze-thaw rate and the percentage of the condensate volume were 0.124%~1.391%, 26.47%~32.05%, 18.42%~26.94% and 9.78%~10.27%, respectively, the peak viscosity, the damaged value, the return value and the gelatinization temperature of the gelatinization index were 3.144~3.515 Pa s, 0.779~0.906 Pa s, 0.197~0.566 Pa. The range of initial temperature, peak temperature, end temperature and enthalpy value are 67.87~70.79, 74.57~75.94, 80.38~81.06 and 10.367~10.670 J/g.. The anticoagulant and hot paste stability of the 07-405 starch is best, and it is more suitable for food stabilization and high temperature food processing. (3) different raw materials. The agronomic traits, yield performance and starch physical and chemical properties of the species were significantly different from those of.10 varieties. The spike length, spike weight, 1000 grain weight and yield were not exactly the same in the 3 ecological areas. The most significant difference was the yield performance, and the Yulin area in Shaanxi (6488.0kg/hm2) was significantly higher than that of Yanan in Shaanxi (2764.0k G/hm2) and Shanxi Datong (3172.3kg/hm2) area, this may be related to the cultivation conditions in different ecological areas and the amount of precipitation and sunshine duration in the growth period of the millet. The starch granules in the 3 sample regions show irregular polygonal shape or sphere, the proportion of polyhedron particles is higher and the particles are larger, and the spherical particles are small and small. The surface of some starch granules is depressed by alkaline solution. The grain size of the starch granules in 3 ecological regions of Yulin, Shaanxi, Shaanxi, Yanan and Shanxi, respectively, are 3.54~12.02, 3.62~13.14, m and 3.10~12.06 mu m. The crystal structure is a type A, but the diffraction intensity of the starch of each millet variety is different. In Yulin, Shaanxi, Shaanxi, Yanan The amylose content of amylose was 8.01%~28.02%, 7.65%~25.70% and 8.81%~22.38%, respectively, 8.01%~28.02%, 7.65%~25.70% and 8.81%~22.38%, respectively, 9.93%~18.03%, 10.13%~16.40% and 10.17%~16.43%, respectively, the content of direct starch in 2.43%~47.07%, 39.44%~55.50% and 35.52%~45.83%., and the transmittance and freezing and thawing of the starch in 2.43%~47.07%, 39.44%~55.50% and 35.52%~45.83%., respectively. The overall average of the water rate in 3 selected areas from high to low were Yulin in Shaanxi (22.77%) Shaanxi Yanan (20.52%) Shanxi Datong (19.61%), Shaanxi Yulin (12.73%) Shaanxi Yanan (11.93%) Shanxi Datong (11.82%) and Yanan (46.89%) Shaanxi Yanan (39.02%). The average peak viscosity of starch gelatinization was tested. The high and low values of the damaged values were all in the 3 test areas: Shanxi Datong (0.874,1.072,1.326pa. S) Shaanxi Yanan (0.643,0.714,0.923pa. S) Shaanxi Yulin (2.437,2.881,0.864pa. S). In the 3 different ecological regions, the stability of starch freeze-thaw is the best, the peak viscosity is the highest, and the cold paste stability is solid 05-223, and the hot paste is stable. The best qualitative varieties were Mengjing 7. The physical and chemical properties of other varieties of starch were not completely consistent in different test areas. Variance analysis showed that the amylose content, freeze thawing stability and gelatinization characteristics of chyon starch were all affected by genotype, environment and genotype and environment interaction effect, and the transparency was only based on the basis. The influence of genotype and environment was not significant. (4) there were significant differences in amylose content, transparency, freeze thawing stability and gelatinization characteristics of amylose starch and buckwheat, corn and potato starch. The proportion is higher, similar to the buckwheat and corn starch granules, but different from the potato starch granules. The grain size of the japonica millet starch (7.18 mu m) is slightly larger than the waxy millet starch (6.04 mu m), similar to the buckwheat starch (7.02 mu m), significantly less than the corn (12.15 mu m), and the potato starch (33.67 mu m) starch. The powder is similar, but its diffraction intensity and crystallinity are different. At 2 theta angle of 15, 17, 18, 23 degrees, the average diffraction intensity (377.5395.5422.5338.5cps) of the japonica millet varieties and the waxy millet varieties (391.5461.0471.0384.0cps) are lower than that of buckwheat (461.0570.0576.0514.5cps) and corn (435.0538.0554.0). 485.0cps) starch; and the crystalline configuration of potato starch was B type B. In addition, the weak intensity diffraction peaks appeared at 2 theta 20 degrees. The crystallinity of the glutinous rice starch was similar to 45.36%, 45.21% respectively, which was higher than that of buckwheat (35.77%), jade (40.65%) and potato (38.81%) starch. The size of starch content is: buckwheat (39.01%) japonica (27.15%) corn (23.95%), potato (22.21%) waxy (1.36%), and the transmittance rate is: glutinous surimi (31.50%) potato (25.10%) japonica (15.31%) corn (15.31%) corn (14.60%) buckwheat (7.37%). The starch paste freeze-thaw rate is in turn as follows: the starch paste freeze-thaw rate is in turn: Japonica (47.49%) buckwheat (47.46%) corn (23.31%) waxy (20.21%) potato (8.39%). The solubility and expansion of all kinds of tested starch increased with the increase of temperature. At 90 C, the solubility of all kinds of starch was in the same order as the size of expansion degree, all of which were corn (34.42%, 18.46%) (25.54%, 12.22%) corn (34.42%, 18.46%)) of corn (1, 1, 59.98%). 1.53%, 11.67%) buckwheat (11%, 10.88%); the order of peak viscosity, breakage value and return value were: Potato (6.463 Pa. S) glutinous rice (3.356 Pa. S) corn (2.059 Pa. S) Tartary Buckwheat (2.121 Pa s) japonica (2.033 Pa s) sweet buckwheat (1.685 Pa s), Ma bell potato glutinous chyle 5 Pa. S) sweet buckwheat (0.412 Pa. S) and potato (2.435 Pa. S) corn (1.176 Pa s) japonica (0.999 Pa s) bitter buckwheat (0.803 Pa s) sweet buckwheat (0.737) sweet buckwheat glutinous surimi. Generally, the hot paste stability of the japonica millet starch is better, suitable for the preparation of high temperature gelatinized food during processing; and waxy chyle starch paste transparency is more than that. High stability and stability of freezing and thawing, good stability of cold paste, strong anti-aging ability, high peak viscosity, easy to paste, suitable for application in the processing industry with higher transparency requirements or frozen products.
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相關會議論文 前10條
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2 陳雪;鄒鎖柱;曾榮妹;;酶法提高淀粉膜性能的研究[A];生命科學與微生物專輯[C];2004年
3 周燕;劉鐘棟;;淀粉磷酸酯在食品中的應用[A];第七屆全國磷化學化工暨第四屆海峽化學生物學、生物技術與醫(yī)藥發(fā)展討論會論文集[C];2006年
4 陳佩;李遠志;吳雪輝;肖楠;;激光共聚焦顯微鏡在淀粉結構研究中的應用[A];管產學研助推食品安全重慶高峰論壇——2011年中國農業(yè)工程學會農產品加工及貯藏工程分會學術年會暨全國食品科學與工程博士生學術論壇論文集[C];2011年
5 侯拴慶;王聞宇;金欣;沙曉旭;謝淳;俞傳坤;;酸解對玉米淀粉糊及淀粉膜性能的影響[A];“力恒杯”第11屆功能性紡織品、納米技術應用及低碳紡織研討會論文集[C];2011年
6 陳建慧;劉鐘棟;;高壓淀粉糊化——深水壓淀粉糊化的模擬(英文)[A];第十屆中國科協(xié)年會論文集(四)[C];2008年
7 文紅麗;蘇昕峰;陸紅佳;鄭龍輝;劉雄;;超聲波堿法提取純化薏苡淀粉的研究[A];管產學研助推食品安全重慶高峰論壇——2011年中國農業(yè)工程學會農產品加工及貯藏工程分會學術年會暨全國食品科學與工程博士生學術論壇論文集[C];2011年
8 李鐵栓;;雙磷酸淀粉及其在雙膠紙上應用[A];中國造紙學會第七屆學術年會資料集[C];1994年
9 孫峗;;高品質馬鈴薯α淀粉的生產工藝試驗研究[A];中國西部農產品加工及產業(yè)化發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略研討會論文集[C];2001年
10 龔晴霞;涂克華;王利群;;淀粉-乳酸直接共縮聚產物的表征[A];第四屆全國高聚物分子表征學術討論會論文集[C];2004年
相關重要報紙文章 前7條
1 國家糧油質量監(jiān)督檢驗中心常務副主任 尚艷娥;淀粉選購看顏色 保存防潮防異味[N];中國質量報;2003年
2 ;干紅薯生產淀粉[N];中國食品質量報;2009年
3 張宏 林向陽 朱榕璧 彭樹美;影響淀粉類制品加工特性的因素研究[N];中國食品質量報;2009年
4 張宏 林向陽 朱榕璧 彭樹美;影響淀粉類制品加工特性的因素研究[N];中國食品質量報;2009年
5 周友明 阮湘元 劉治猛;PVA改性瓦楞紙板淀粉膠的研制[N];中國包裝報;2006年
6 應城市農業(yè)局 華連洪;甜面醬的制作[N];湖北科技報;2002年
7 韓香云;開水煮飯營養(yǎng)不流失[N];科技日報;2006年
相關博士學位論文 前10條
1 常豐丹;顆粒態(tài)淀粉脂質復合物的制備、理化性質及其形成機理研究[D];華南理工大學;2015年
2 寧婷婷;TMR 發(fā)酵過程中微生物及其酶對淀粉及半纖維素降解的作用機理研究[D];中國農業(yè)大學;2016年
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4 田耀旗;淀粉回生及其控制研究[D];江南大學;2011年
5 侯漢學;不同來源淀粉的結構與功能相關性及半干法陽離子化機理研究[D];山東農業(yè)大學;2007年
6 林鴛緣;蓮子淀粉糊特性的研究與應用[D];福建農林大學;2011年
7 孫昌波;加工條件對蕨根淀粉理化及應用特性的影響研究[D];中南林業(yè)科技大學;2010年
8 劉延奇;酸酶催化水解對淀粉結晶結構與性質的影響研究[D];天津大學;2004年
9 鐘連進;溫度對早秈稻米品質影響的淀粉理化基礎與代謝特征研究[D];浙江大學;2004年
10 劉海英;噴施6-BA和PP_(333)對小麥籽粒產量、淀粉形成與品質的調控效應研究[D];河南農業(yè)大學;2006年
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2 劉軻;漢中豆薯成分分析及其開發(fā)利用研究[D];陜西理工學院;2015年
3 張哲學;燕麥全籽粒擠壓工藝探究與優(yōu)化[D];陜西師范大學;2015年
4 汪婕;錐栗淀粉變性及其主要性質研究[D];長沙理工大學;2014年
5 趙鵬;紅蕓豆淀粉提取及其抗老化研究[D];山西農業(yè)大學;2014年
6 張爽;刺山藥營養(yǎng)成分的提取及組分分析研究[D];天津科技大學;2014年
7 胡貞;海南三種淮山加工特性及應用研究[D];海南大學;2013年
8 張豫輝;淀粉對面條品質的影響研究[D];河南工業(yè)大學;2015年
9 蔡金文;普通水稻淀粉結構和功能特性研究[D];揚州大學;2015年
10 宋一諾;淀粉—脂肪酸復合物對小麥淀粉糊化和回生特性的影響[D];河南農業(yè)大學;2015年