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株型通常被定義為植物地上部分的三維立體結構,其主要構成因素有株高、分枝(分蘗)模式、葉形和穗型等。株型是諸多農(nóng)藝性狀的綜合體,它直接影響和決定作物的產(chǎn)量。在作物的進化和改良史中,合理的株型一直是高產(chǎn)育種的主要選擇方向。了解株型的遺傳機制將有助于培育出高產(chǎn)優(yōu)質的作物新品種。本研究對野生稻滲入系YIL55進行EMS誘變構建突變體庫,從中選取一個株型變直立緊湊的突變體PAYl作為研究材料。YIL55表現(xiàn)為株高較矮、分蘗較多、分蘗角度大、穗粒數(shù)少及產(chǎn)量低。同YIL55相比,PAY1突變體表現(xiàn)為株高增加、分蘗減少、分蘗角度變小、莖桿變粗、穗子增大、穗粒數(shù)及產(chǎn)量增加等。本研究利用圖位克隆方法,分離了PAY1基因,并對其分子功能進行解析。遺傳分析結果顯示,突變體表型性狀的改變是受一對顯性基因控制。利用PAY1突變體與日本晴雜交的F2群體,將PAY1定位在第8染色體長臂端一個約51 kb的區(qū)間內。序列分析結果表明,定位區(qū)間的LOCOs08g31470基因編碼區(qū)第四個外顯子、第1244堿基處,有一個由G到A的突變,導致PAY1突變體所編碼的蛋白質中一個氨基酸殘基由谷氨酰胺轉變?yōu)榫?..
【文章來源】:中國農(nóng)業(yè)大學北京市 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直屬院校
【文章頁數(shù)】:93 頁
[1]水稻株型相關基因的定位與克隆研究進展[J]. 林澤川,曹立勇. 中國稻米. 2014(01)
[2]Characterization and Fine Mapping of a Novel Rice Narrow Leaf Mutant nal9[J]. Wei Li,Chao Wu,Guocheng Hu,Li Xing,Wenjing Qian,Huamin Si,Zongxiu Sun,Xingchun Wang,Yaping Fu,Wenzhen Liu. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 2013(11)
[3]GS6, A Member of the GRAS Gene Family,Negatively Regulates Grain Size in Rice[J]. Lianjun Sun,Xiaojiao Li,Yongcai Fu,Zuofeng Zhu,Lubin Tan,Fengxia Liu,Xianyou Sun,Xuewen Sun,Chuanqing Sun. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 2013(10)
[4]LHD1,an Allele of DTH8/Ghd8,Controls Late Heading Date in Common Wild Rice (Oryza rufipogon)[J]. Xiaodong Dai,Younian Ding,Lubin Tan,Yongcai Fu,Fengxia Liu,Zuofeng Zhu,Xianyou Sun,Xuewen Sun,Ping Gu,Hongwei Cai and Chuanqing Sun State Key Laboratory of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry,National Evaluation Centre for Agricultural Wild Plants (Rice),Laboratory of Crop Heterosis and Utilization of the Ministry of Education,Beijing Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement,Department of Plant Genetics and Breeding,China Agricultural University,Beijing 100193,China. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 2012(10)
[5]遼寧水稻穗型分類及其與產(chǎn)量和品質的關系[J]. 徐正進,陳溫福,韓勇,邵國軍,張文忠,馬殿榮. 作物學報. 2007(09)
[6]LAZY1 controls rice shoot gravitropism through regulating polar auxin transport[J]. Peijin Li1;Yonghong Wang1;Qian Qian2;Zhiming Fu1;Mei Wang1;Dali Zeng1,2;Baohua Li1;Xiujie Wang1;Jiayang Li11 State Key Laboratory of Plant Genomics and National Center for Plant Gene Research, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China2 State Key Laboratory of Rice Biology, China National Rice Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Hangzhou 310006, China. Cell Research. 2007(05)
[7]水稻劍葉部分形態(tài)生理特性QTL分析以及它們與產(chǎn)量、產(chǎn)量性狀的關系(英文)[J]. 岳兵,薛為亞,羅利軍,邢永忠. 遺傳學報. 2006(09)
[8]Design principles and parameters of rice ideal panicle type[J]. XU Zhengjin, CHEN Wenfu, ZHANG Longbu & YANG Shouren Rice Institute of Shenyang Agricultural University, Key Laboratory of Crop Physiology, Ecology, Genetics and Breeding, Ministry of Agricul-ture, Key Laboratory of Northern Japonica Rice Breeding of Liaoning, Shenyang 110161. Chinese Science Bulletin. 2005(19)
[9]遼寧水稻穗型指數(shù)品種間差異及其與產(chǎn)量和品質的關系[J]. 徐正進,陳溫福,張樹林,張文忠,馬殿榮,劉麗霞,周淑清. 中國農(nóng)業(yè)科學. 2005(09)
[10]稻谷粒形與稻米主要品質性狀的關系[J]. 徐正進,陳溫福,馬殿榮,呂英娜,周淑清,劉麗霞. 作物學報. 2004(09)
【文章來源】:中國農(nóng)業(yè)大學北京市 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直屬院校
【文章頁數(shù)】:93 頁
[1]水稻株型相關基因的定位與克隆研究進展[J]. 林澤川,曹立勇. 中國稻米. 2014(01)
[2]Characterization and Fine Mapping of a Novel Rice Narrow Leaf Mutant nal9[J]. Wei Li,Chao Wu,Guocheng Hu,Li Xing,Wenjing Qian,Huamin Si,Zongxiu Sun,Xingchun Wang,Yaping Fu,Wenzhen Liu. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 2013(11)
[3]GS6, A Member of the GRAS Gene Family,Negatively Regulates Grain Size in Rice[J]. Lianjun Sun,Xiaojiao Li,Yongcai Fu,Zuofeng Zhu,Lubin Tan,Fengxia Liu,Xianyou Sun,Xuewen Sun,Chuanqing Sun. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 2013(10)
[4]LHD1,an Allele of DTH8/Ghd8,Controls Late Heading Date in Common Wild Rice (Oryza rufipogon)[J]. Xiaodong Dai,Younian Ding,Lubin Tan,Yongcai Fu,Fengxia Liu,Zuofeng Zhu,Xianyou Sun,Xuewen Sun,Ping Gu,Hongwei Cai and Chuanqing Sun State Key Laboratory of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry,National Evaluation Centre for Agricultural Wild Plants (Rice),Laboratory of Crop Heterosis and Utilization of the Ministry of Education,Beijing Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement,Department of Plant Genetics and Breeding,China Agricultural University,Beijing 100193,China. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 2012(10)
[5]遼寧水稻穗型分類及其與產(chǎn)量和品質的關系[J]. 徐正進,陳溫福,韓勇,邵國軍,張文忠,馬殿榮. 作物學報. 2007(09)
[6]LAZY1 controls rice shoot gravitropism through regulating polar auxin transport[J]. Peijin Li1;Yonghong Wang1;Qian Qian2;Zhiming Fu1;Mei Wang1;Dali Zeng1,2;Baohua Li1;Xiujie Wang1;Jiayang Li11 State Key Laboratory of Plant Genomics and National Center for Plant Gene Research, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China2 State Key Laboratory of Rice Biology, China National Rice Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Hangzhou 310006, China. Cell Research. 2007(05)
[7]水稻劍葉部分形態(tài)生理特性QTL分析以及它們與產(chǎn)量、產(chǎn)量性狀的關系(英文)[J]. 岳兵,薛為亞,羅利軍,邢永忠. 遺傳學報. 2006(09)
[8]Design principles and parameters of rice ideal panicle type[J]. XU Zhengjin, CHEN Wenfu, ZHANG Longbu & YANG Shouren Rice Institute of Shenyang Agricultural University, Key Laboratory of Crop Physiology, Ecology, Genetics and Breeding, Ministry of Agricul-ture, Key Laboratory of Northern Japonica Rice Breeding of Liaoning, Shenyang 110161. Chinese Science Bulletin. 2005(19)
[9]遼寧水稻穗型指數(shù)品種間差異及其與產(chǎn)量和品質的關系[J]. 徐正進,陳溫福,張樹林,張文忠,馬殿榮,劉麗霞,周淑清. 中國農(nóng)業(yè)科學. 2005(09)
[10]稻谷粒形與稻米主要品質性狀的關系[J]. 徐正進,陳溫福,馬殿榮,呂英娜,周淑清,劉麗霞. 作物學報. 2004(09)