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  本文關鍵詞:上市公司關聯(lián)交易與財務危機的實證研究 出處:《西南財經(jīng)大學》2012年碩士論文 論文類型:學位論文

  更多相關文章: 關聯(lián)交易 財務危機 公司治理

【摘要】:現(xiàn)代企業(yè)制度要求建立所有權(quán)與經(jīng)營權(quán)高度分離的法人治理機制,在此背景下,代表所有權(quán)的股東與代表經(jīng)營權(quán)的管理層進行了漫長的博弈過程,并呈現(xiàn)一片欣欣向榮的景象。關聯(lián)交易便在此時成為管理層用于與股東進行博弈的重要途徑和手段,并且隨著博弈內(nèi)容的不斷翻新而涌現(xiàn)出多種多樣的關聯(lián)交易形式。 關聯(lián)交易是一種普遍存在的現(xiàn)象,屬于中性經(jīng)濟范疇,是伴隨著跨國公司、母子公司制的廣泛運用而實現(xiàn)的。之所以說關聯(lián)交易是屬于中性的范疇,是因為如果企業(yè)在公開、公平、公正的原則下實施,則可以有效減少企業(yè)之間的交易成本,包括搜尋成本、談判成本等,有利于上市公司充分調(diào)配利用內(nèi)部的市場資源,使營運效率得以提高,是市場經(jīng)濟中不可避免的正常行為。另一方面,如果上市公司利用關聯(lián)交易來調(diào)整公開報表中的盈余信息,降低會計報表的真實性,降低報表信息披露的可信性,那么可能會侵害公司中小股東或其他利害關系人的合法權(quán)益。所以,規(guī)范我國上市公司關聯(lián)交易行為,要求上市公司在進行關聯(lián)交易業(yè)務時做到公開、公平和公正,給廣大投資者及債權(quán)人提供有價值的投資決策信息,具有深遠的社會意義和經(jīng)濟意義。 關聯(lián)交易對上市公司的健康發(fā)展具有非常重要的影響。目前,我國證券市場起步較晚,雖然發(fā)展迅速,但我國評估和審計等中介機構(gòu)尚不健全,而關聯(lián)交易的最大特點是價格可由雙方協(xié)商決定,那么通過調(diào)控關聯(lián)交易條件可以使某些利益集團及個人獲得巨大利益。這種現(xiàn)象的發(fā)生,必然會損害有關公司的股東和債權(quán)人利益,也是對證券市場健康發(fā)展的嚴重阻礙。近年來,隨著對關聯(lián)交易研究的不斷深入,政府監(jiān)管部門已經(jīng)開始高度重視對關聯(lián)交易行為的規(guī)范約束和引導。財政部、中國證監(jiān)會以及滬深證券交易所均已相繼出臺一系列措施,從各個方面加強對關聯(lián)交易的監(jiān)管。 就我國實際情況而言,由于證券市場發(fā)展還不夠完善,上市公司治理還不夠健全,各種各樣的關聯(lián)交易行為層出不窮。經(jīng)過二十年的發(fā)展,雖然相關管理部門在市場建設初期就開始重視關聯(lián)交易的影響,并先后頒布了《關聯(lián)方之間出售資產(chǎn)等有關會計處理問題暫行規(guī)定》、《企業(yè)會計準則第36號-關聯(lián)方交易披露》等一系列相關法律法規(guī),我國關聯(lián)交易的法律法規(guī)逐漸完善,能更好地在明確關聯(lián)方關系、促進關聯(lián)交易公允定價、完善關聯(lián)交易發(fā)生程序及提高關聯(lián)交易信息披露質(zhì)量,但是由于上市公司治理存在著先天不足之處,關聯(lián)交易現(xiàn)象仍然較為普遍且難以避免。通過比較國外關聯(lián)交易規(guī)制,我們發(fā)現(xiàn),我國對關聯(lián)交易規(guī)制的立法層次低、法律效力低,責任追究制度不完善,存在諸多法律沖突,同時,信息披露制度仍需改進。 在關聯(lián)交易中,從交易的方向看,分為“輸入型”和“輸出型”!拜斎胄汀标P聯(lián)交易,上市公司處于賣方的位置,指公司取得上市資格或為了保持配股資格,避免被摘牌的一種手段,通過由集團公司向上市公司轉(zhuǎn)移利潤,在短期內(nèi)人為提升公司經(jīng)營業(yè)績!拜敵鲂汀标P聯(lián)交易則與“輸入型”關聯(lián)交易相反,上市公司作為買方,指集團公司利用控股地位,通過關聯(lián)交易行為占用上市公司資源,將其上市公司的利潤轉(zhuǎn)移至集團公司或其他企業(yè)。上市公司利用集團公司利益輸入讓公司獲得資金,公司的價值暫時得以增加,從而在一定程度上暫時緩解公司的財務狀況,而上市公司向集團公司進行的關聯(lián)交易利益輸出行為則直接減少公司價值,產(chǎn)生巨大的財務風險,甚至發(fā)生財務危機。上市公司在關聯(lián)交易中既可能作為買方,也可能作為賣方,上市公司關聯(lián)交易既能夠改善公司財務狀況,也可以惡化上市公司經(jīng)營成果。通過對近幾年來各種類型關聯(lián)交易行為的分析,不難發(fā)現(xiàn)作為買方的交易占整個關聯(lián)交易金額的90%以上。因此,本文主要研究利益輸出關聯(lián)交易行為對財務危機的影響。而通過對各種類型關聯(lián)交易行為對財務指數(shù)的影響分析,關聯(lián)交易行為的發(fā)生與財務危機之間有著密不可分的聯(lián)系:筆者認為,上市公司為了掩飾財務波動、為避免虧損或連續(xù)三年虧損導致財務危機進行盈余管理是關聯(lián)交易出現(xiàn)的誘因,而關聯(lián)交易加速了財務危機的深化。關聯(lián)交易加速財務危機深化的根本原因在于,上市公司進行的各種類型關聯(lián)交易行為均可以加深財務風險,制造財務危機。 上市公司存在的目的和價值就是以其所掌握的經(jīng)濟資源去創(chuàng)造更大的經(jīng)濟財富,實現(xiàn)其資產(chǎn)的不斷增值。但是,企業(yè)經(jīng)營過程中的存在諸多不可預料的復雜因素,企業(yè)治理對經(jīng)營管理者本身的業(yè)務素質(zhì)和管理經(jīng)驗具有較高的要求,這一系列因素均可能使企業(yè)產(chǎn)生財務風險,甚至出現(xiàn)財務危機。因此,如何有效防范、抵御財務風險,提前防范財務危機的出現(xiàn),使企業(yè)更好地追求創(chuàng)新與發(fā)展已是財務管理需要迫切進行研究和解決的重要問題。 本文研究的目的旨在研究上市公司關聯(lián)交易行為及其對財務危機發(fā)生概率的影響,進一步分析多種關聯(lián)交易方式是否加速了財務危機的發(fā)生,希望借此對規(guī)范資本市場、保護投資者利益、優(yōu)化企業(yè)集團公司治理、促進上市公司健康發(fā)展等方面有一定的理論和實踐意義。 本文共分為以下五個部分,各部分主要內(nèi)容如下: 第一章:導論。簡明闡述論文背景及研究意義、研究主要內(nèi)容、思路及框架、本文的創(chuàng)新點等。對上市公司關聯(lián)交易行為對財務危機的影響進行初步分析,并盡量結(jié)合我國的特殊國情,在我國上市公司的治理結(jié)構(gòu)具有特殊的制度背景的情況下,進行特殊考慮和仔細研究。 第二章:文獻綜述。本章將首先闡釋與研究相關的若干個關鍵概念,之后分別對上市公司關聯(lián)交易行為、財務危機的基本理論和相關文獻進行了評述,最后將對近十年來與關聯(lián)交易相關的諸多學術觀點進行詳細地列舉和分析,試圖從已有的結(jié)論中進一步尋找到能夠支持本文寫作的思路和方法。本文也將上市公司關聯(lián)交易行為分類:關聯(lián)購買、關聯(lián)擔保抵押、關聯(lián)資金拆借與資產(chǎn)交易、關聯(lián)股權(quán)債權(quán)交易與其他。本文將主要分析后三類交易行為對上市公司財務危機的影響。在此基礎上,研究上市公司關聯(lián)交易行為與財務危機兩者之間的聯(lián)系,闡明本文進行實證研究的理論依據(jù)是什么等,為論文下一步進行實證研究奠定了文獻基礎。 第三章:理論基礎。本章將對有關上市公司關聯(lián)交易行為產(chǎn)生和發(fā)展的相關理論基礎進行闡述,以及關聯(lián)交易行為與財務危機的相互作用關系進行分析,為論文下一步進行實證研究奠定了理論基礎。 第四章:描述性統(tǒng)計與實證研究。本章提出本文的研究假設,闡明如何選擇變量和樣本數(shù)據(jù),以及構(gòu)建的實證模型。選取我國A股上市企業(yè)的相關數(shù)據(jù)為研究樣本,設計出被解釋變量與解釋變量的研究模型。通過樣本選擇、研究設計模型、利用優(yōu)化處理后的數(shù)據(jù)對上市公司關聯(lián)交易行為對財務危機的影響進行實證研究,并對回歸結(jié)果進行分析,尋找到能夠支持本文假設的答案。 第五章:研究結(jié)論及建議。根據(jù)以上幾章的實證檢驗和數(shù)據(jù)分析,本文將在最后一章提出研究結(jié)論:利益輸出型關聯(lián)交易行為的存在加大了財務危機發(fā)生的可能性;上市公司提供的擔保業(yè)務金額占總資產(chǎn)的比例越高,資金拆借與資產(chǎn)交易業(yè)務越頻繁,進行債權(quán)、股權(quán)轉(zhuǎn)讓的金額越大,越有可能使上市公司陷入財務危機。 本文對上市公司關聯(lián)交易、財務危機之間的關系進行了全面的分析,研究突顯了以下創(chuàng)新:(1)通過文獻回顧與分析發(fā)現(xiàn),以往對上市公司關聯(lián)交易的研究對其與財務危機的關系領域涉足較少。本文在對現(xiàn)實經(jīng)濟現(xiàn)象的觀察與分析后發(fā)現(xiàn),兩者之間確有因果相關的作用機理存在,因此將這兩個研究問題結(jié)合起來,形成獨特的視角。(2)對于關聯(lián)交易問題的研究,以往僅限于籠統(tǒng)的概念界定,并沒有擴展至關聯(lián)交易的內(nèi)涵。本文將關聯(lián)交易進行了進一步區(qū)分,并把研究目光聚焦于關聯(lián)交易的三種主要交易類型上,這在以前的研究中未曾出現(xiàn)。這種分類為研究的進一步進行提供基礎。(3)本文選擇在2010年所有A股市場中,因財務業(yè)績方面原因被證交所特別處理(被ST)的上市公司作為財務危機企業(yè)樣本,另選取財務正常組的上市公司作為比較樣本。在研究過程中,本文剔除了數(shù)據(jù)不全的公司,其中為了防止無財務危機的公司太多,從而沖淡樣本數(shù)據(jù),導致實證研究結(jié)果的偏差,本文采用了配對樣本的形式。另外,由于上市公司被ST處理必須是上市公司經(jīng)審計連續(xù)兩個會計年度的凈利潤均為負值,因此本文還對2007、2008、2009年公司的情況進行了研究,以求更為詳細透徹的研究關聯(lián)交易對財務危機的影響。 本文研究中存在許多不足:第一、由于數(shù)據(jù)獲取方面的困難,利用手工收集的過程中就難免存在誤差;同時本文的研究窗口只涉及2007、2008、2009年,研究時期較短,可能導致模型預測存在一定程度誤差;第二、本文選取被“ST”的上市公司作為樣本對象,樣本容量偏;第三、本研究是選取了財務指標作為建立模型的指標,沒有考慮非財務因素,容易造成預測的片面性等。
[Abstract]:The modern enterprise system requires the establishment of the corporate governance mechanism with high separation of ownership and business right . Under this background , the shareholder representing the ownership carries out a lengthy game process with the management layer representing the management right , and presents a thriving scene . The related transaction becomes an important way and means for management to play the game with the shareholders at this time . The related transaction is a common phenomenon , and belongs to the category of neutral economy . It is realized by the extensive application of transnational corporation and parent company . It is said that if the company is implemented under the principle of openness , fairness and justice , it is beneficial to reduce transaction cost between enterprises , including search cost , negotiation cost and so on . Therefore , if the listed company uses related transaction to adjust surplus information in public statement , reduce the authenticity of accounting statement and reduce the credibility of the disclosure of report information , it may infringe upon the interests of small shareholders or other interested parties in the company . In recent years , with the deepening of the research on the related transactions , the government regulators have begun to attach great importance to the regulation and guidance of the related transactions . In recent years , with the deepening of the research on the related transactions , the government regulators have begun to attach great importance to the regulation and guidance of the related transactions . In the case of China ' s actual situation , because the development of the securities market is not perfect , the governance of the listed company is not perfect , and all sorts of related transaction behaviors are not poor . After 20 years of development , the related transaction phenomenon is still more common and difficult to avoid . In the related transaction , the listed company is divided into " input type " and " output type " , " input type " related transaction , the listed company is in the seller ' s position , which means that the company obtains the qualification of listing or to maintain the qualification of the listed company , so as to improve the company ' s operating performance . The listed company can not only improve the company ' s financial position by using the profit input of the company , but also the financial crisis . The listed company can not only improve the company ' s financial situation , but also worsen the financial crisis . The purpose and value of listed companies are to create greater economic wealth with the economic resources they possess , to realize the value - added value of their assets . However , there are many unpredictable and complicated factors in the operation of the enterprise . The purpose of this paper is to study the relation transaction behavior of listed companies and their influence on the probability of occurrence of financial crisis , and further analyze whether multiple affiliated transaction methods have accelerated the occurrence of financial crisis , and hope to have some theoretical and practical significance in regulating capital market , protecting investors ' interests , optimizing corporate group corporate governance and promoting the healthy development of listed companies . This paper is divided into five parts , the main contents of which are as follows : Chapter 1 : Introduction to the background and significance of the thesis , the main content , the thinking and the framework , the innovation point of this paper , etc . The influence of the related transaction behavior on the financial crisis of listed companies is analyzed , and the special circumstances of our country are discussed , and the special consideration and careful study are carried out in the case of the governance structure of the listed company of our country with special system background . Chapter 2 : A review of the literature review . This chapter will first explain several key concepts related to the study , and then summarize and analyze the related transactions of listed companies , the basic theory of financial crisis and the related literatures , and then try to find out the relationship between the related transaction behavior and financial crisis of listed companies . On the basis of this , the paper studies the relationship between the related transaction behavior and financial crisis of listed companies . Chapter Three : Theoretical basis . This chapter expounds the relevant theoretical basis of the generation and development of the related transactions of listed companies , and analyzes the interaction between related transaction behavior and financial crisis , which lays a theoretical foundation for the next step of the paper . Chapter Four : Descriptive Statistics and Empirical Study . This chapter puts forward the research hypothesis of this paper , explains how to select variables and sample data , and constructs the empirical model . Based on the sample selection , the research design model is designed , and the influence of the transaction behavior of listed companies on the financial crisis is studied by means of sample selection , research and design model . The regression results are analyzed , and the answer which can support the hypothesis of this paper is found . Chapter 5 : Research conclusions and suggestions . According to the empirical test and data analysis of the above chapters , this paper puts forward the research conclusion in the last chapter : the existence of benefit - output - related transactions increases the probability of the financial crisis ; the higher the amount of guaranteed business provided by the listed company , the more frequent the fund borrowing and the asset - trading business , the greater the amount of the debt and equity transfer , the more likely the listed company is caught in the financial crisis . This paper makes a comprehensive analysis of the relationship between the affiliated transaction and the financial crisis of the listed companies . The research highlights the following innovations : ( 1 ) The research on the related transactions of the listed companies has been relatively small in the past research . There are many deficiencies in this study : Firstly , due to the difficulty of data acquisition , there is no error in the process of manual collection ; meanwhile , the research windows of this paper only relate to the short period of 2007 , 2008 and 2009 , which may lead to a certain degree of error in the prediction of the model ; secondly , the paper selects the listed company of " ST " as the sample object and has a small sample size ; and thirdly , this study selects the financial index as the index of establishing the model , and has not considered the non - financial factors and easily leads to the predicted one - sidedness and so on .



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7 谷祺,劉淑蓮;財務危機企業(yè)投資行為分析與對策[J];會計研究;1999年10期




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