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l(f)r(sh)g2019-01-12 14:19
ժҪЈ(chng)(du)(sh)ü˲ŴĴ󱳾,҇(gu)_ʼҕšI(y)İl(f)չ,עB(yng)W(xu)Ą(dng)ȌI(y)ĿǰšУČ(sh)(yn)̌W(xu)F(xin)m(yng)˲B(yng)Ҫ󡣱ՓĻڡ늹A(ch)n,(sh)ʩ̽ʽ(sh)(yn)̌W(xu)B(yng)W(xu)(dng)Č(sh)`о Ҫð(sh)(yn)īI(xin)YϷLՄ{(dio)鷨_չоxøߵȽġ늹A(ch)̲еIJփ(ni)M(jn)̽ʽ(sh)(yn)̌W(xu),ԸAšI(y)ЌW(xu)У2013(j)12о(du),1ư,2錍(sh)(yn),ưÂy(tng)(sh)(yn)̌W(xu),(sh)(yn)̽ʽ(sh)(yn)̌W(xu),M(jn)Оһ(g)W(xu)ڵĽ̌W(xu)(sh)`քe(du)ɂ(g)༉(j)W(xu)ڌW(xu)ڳ͌W(xu)ĩČW(xu)(x)dȤ(sh)(yn)?zi)Լοԇɿ?j)M(jn)Ќ(du)ȡ(sh)(yn)Y(ji)̽ʽ(sh)(yn)̌W(xu)B(yng)W(xu)W(xu)(x)dȤ,l(f)֪ߌW(xu)Ą(dng)̈́(chung),B(yng)W(xu)B(yng)õĿƌW(xu)B(yng)LՄY(ji)󲿷ͬW(xu)ϲg̽ʽ(sh)(yn)̌W(xu)ģʽ,J(rn)@NʽĽ̌W(xu)ʹW(xu)(x)׃pɿ옷,ʹ׃ϲgᆖ},ϲg(dng),׃øš(sh)`Y(ji)̽ʽ(sh)(yn)̌W(xu)(du)šУW(xu)(dng)ҪĴM(jn),mšУL(zhng)ڌ(sh)ʩ @ɹܴM(jn)š늹A(ch)n̸ĸ(sh)ʩ,Ҳ܌(du)šУ(sh)(yn)n̵Ľ̌W(xu)ĸ︻Іl(f)
[Abstract]:In the background of the market demand for practical and skilled talents, our country began to attach importance to the development of vocational education, to cultivate students' practical ability and other professional skills. However, the present situation of experimental teaching in secondary vocational schools can not meet the requirements of the cultivation of skilled personnel. Based on the course of Electrotechnics, this paper carries out a practical study on how to cultivate the students' practical ability in the exploratory experimental teaching. This article mainly adopts the case experiment method, the literature material method, the interview questionnaire method and so on carries on the research. This paper selects some contents of the teaching material of Electrotechnical Foundation published by higher Education Publishing House to carry on the inquiry experimental teaching, taking the electronic class 1 and the electronic class 2 of the 2013 grade of Fuqing Longhua Vocational Secondary School as the research object, among which the electronic class 1 is the control class. The electronic class 2 is the experimental class, the control class adopts the traditional experimental teaching method, the experimental class adopts the inquiry experimental teaching method, and carries on the teaching practice for one semester. The study interest, experimental ability, and test scores of the two classes at the beginning and end of the semester were compared. The experimental results show that the inquiring experimental teaching is beneficial to cultivate students' interest in learning, stimulate their desire for knowledge, improve students' practical and creative ability, and foster students' good scientific literacy. The results show that most of the students like the inquiry experimental teaching mode. They think that the teaching in this way makes learning more relaxed and happy, makes them like to ask questions, like to start, and become more confident. The practical results show that the inquiry experimental teaching plays an important role in improving the students' practical ability in secondary vocational schools and is suitable for long-term implementation in secondary vocational schools. The results obtained may not only promote the smooth implementation of the course reform of Electrotechnical Foundation in secondary vocational schools, but also enlighten the teaching reform of other experimental courses in secondary vocational schools.


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