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  本文選題:知覺負荷理論 + 稀釋效應。 參考:《西南大學》2017年博士論文

【摘要】:日常生活中,為了更好的適應復雜多變的環(huán)境,選擇性注意使個體將有限的注意資源集中于目標任務相關信息,同時忽視來自于任務無關信息的干擾。該過程中相應的認知和神經(jīng)基礎是認知心理學領域永恒的話題。影響選擇性注意的因素很多,一方面,目標任務的知覺負荷水平是決定選擇性注意的一個重要因素,并形成了知覺負荷理論(Lavie,1995;LavieTsal,1994)。該理論假設知覺能力是有限的,但能夠自動加工所有的刺激直到加工資源耗盡。高知覺負荷任務耗盡了所有的注意資源因而沒有多余的加工資源知覺無關分心物,因此來自于分心刺激的干擾消失;然而,在低知覺負荷情境下,任務相關加工所剩余的注意資源能夠自發(fā)的“溢出”到無關分心刺激,對其進行加工,因此來自于分心刺激的干擾顯著存在。另一方面,根據(jù)偏向競爭模型可知基于工作記憶內容的注意引導是影響選擇性注意的另一個重要因素(Desimone,1998;DesimoneDuncan,1995;DuncanHumphreys,1989)。具體來說,當我們將某一客體保持在工作記憶當中時,會形成記憶模板,視覺搜索任務中與記憶模板匹配的客體能夠自動引導注意,從而提高搜索有效性。本研究著眼于對知覺負荷領域和工作記憶引導領域的研究進行拓展并首次探究了兩者共同對選擇性注意產(chǎn)生影響的競爭交互機制。本研究首先采集行為數(shù)據(jù)探究了知覺負荷效應產(chǎn)生的實質原因(研究一),采用靜息態(tài)f MRI的方法探討了知覺負荷效應的個體差異及相應的神經(jīng)機制(研究二)。其次,鑒于事件相關電位技術(ERP)的高時間分辨率,研究三探究了視覺工作記憶內容在早期視覺加工階段對選擇性注意的影響。最后,研究四將知覺負荷與工作記憶引導結合起來,分別運用ERP技術和任務態(tài)fMRI技術探究了兩者在選擇性注意中的競爭交互機制。研究一考察了高知覺負荷條件下來自分心刺激的干擾消失的本質原因。實驗1采用與Lavie和De Fockert(2003)相同的實驗設計,以假字作為非目標刺激,只是采用了具有中國特征(中國明星面孔和名字)的實驗材料,結果發(fā)現(xiàn)能夠重復前人的研究結果,在高知覺負荷條件下和低知覺負荷條件下來自分心刺激的干擾都存在。實驗2在實驗1的基礎上引入稀釋條件(同高知覺負荷條件,只是目標刺激用紅色標記)且改成組間設計,結果與實驗1相同,不論是高知覺負荷,低知覺負荷還是稀釋條件下,來自名人面孔的干擾始終存在。實驗3中將非目標刺激變成真正的中文字,增加了非目標與分心刺激的領域重疊性,結果發(fā)現(xiàn),在低知覺負荷條件和高知覺負荷條件下,來自分心刺激的干擾依然存在,但在稀釋條件下干擾消失。實驗4中將非目標刺激變成真正的中國名字,使非目標與分心刺激的領域重疊度進一步增加,結果發(fā)現(xiàn),來自分心刺激的干擾只在低知覺負荷條件下存在,在高知覺負荷條件和稀釋條件下干擾消失。研究一結果表明,高知覺負荷條件下來自分心刺激干擾的消失是由于非目標刺激對分心刺激的稀釋作用導致的,且該作用依賴于非目標刺激與分心刺激的領域重疊性程度。研究二考察了大腦自發(fā)神經(jīng)活動強度(以ALFF為指標),靜息功能連接(RSFC)與知覺負荷調節(jié)效應之間的關聯(lián)。實驗5采用經(jīng)典的知覺負荷任務范式,結果發(fā)現(xiàn),與知覺負荷調節(jié)效應顯著相關的區(qū)域主要集中于注意網(wǎng)絡和感覺皮層,包括輔助運動區(qū),左側枕下回和左側額下回。其中,枕下回與額下回的靜息功能連接與知覺負荷調節(jié)效應的個體差異顯著相關。研究二結果表明,對來自于分心刺激的干擾作用的調節(jié)依賴于注意控制網(wǎng)絡。研究三探究了視覺工作記憶內容對選擇性注意的影響及其時程特點。實驗6采用延遲匹配樣本任務范式,以無意義圖形作為工作記憶內容,行為結果發(fā)現(xiàn)匹配試次的搜索反應時慢于不匹配試次,表明了工作記憶內容對注意的捕獲作用;ERP結果發(fā)現(xiàn),在P1成分和N1成分上,匹配條件的波幅大于不匹配條件;s LORETA源定位結果發(fā)現(xiàn),P1成分位于枕葉區(qū)域,N1成分位于頂葉區(qū)域;時頻分析結果發(fā)現(xiàn),alpha頻帶的能量在匹配條件下高于不匹配條件。研究三結果表明,工作記憶中的刺激再現(xiàn)導致了枕葉區(qū)域的激活增強,隨后,由于注意的重新定向和視覺輸入信息的競爭,這種早期的來自于工作記憶的注意捕獲能夠在N1階段得到抑制,反映在alpha頻帶節(jié)律上。研究四探究了知覺負荷與工作記憶內容共同對選擇性注意影響的時間動態(tài)和神經(jīng)機制。實驗7在實驗6的基礎上增加了知覺負荷水平且分心刺激具有凸顯性,行為結果發(fā)現(xiàn),低知覺負荷水平下匹配條件的反應時慢于不匹配條件,而高知覺負荷水平下匹配與不匹配條件的反應時沒有明顯差異;ERP結果發(fā)現(xiàn),不論低知覺負荷還是高知覺負荷條件,匹配條件的P1波幅顯著大于不匹配條件,然而在N1成分上,低知覺負荷條件下匹配條件的N1波幅大于不匹配條件,而高負荷條件下兩者沒有顯著差異。sLORETA源定位結果發(fā)現(xiàn),P1成分相關的效應位于枕葉區(qū)域,N1成分相關的效應位于頂葉區(qū)域。這些結果表明,在選擇性注意中,保持在工作記憶中的信息能夠在早期視覺加工階段自動捕獲注意,但是,這種早期的基于工作記憶內容的注意捕獲受到知覺負荷水平的調節(jié),高知覺負荷條件使工作記憶引導效應消失。實驗8采用經(jīng)典的延遲匹配樣本任務范式,但分心刺激與目標任務是綁定在一起的,不具有凸顯性,行為結果表明在低知覺負荷條件下,記憶匹配試次與中性試次的反應時沒有顯著差異,高負荷條件下記憶匹配試次的反應時顯著慢于中性試次;fMRI結果表明負荷的主效應激活的區(qū)域主要分布在額葉,顳葉和枕葉區(qū)域;有效性的主效應激活的腦區(qū)主要分布在枕葉區(qū)域;負荷與有效性的交互效應激活的腦區(qū)主要分布在楔前葉部分。功能連接結果表明,在低知覺負荷條件下,楔前葉與枕葉區(qū)域呈正耦合;在高知覺負荷條件下,楔前葉與枕葉、額葉呈正耦合。楔前葉與額葉的耦合只在高知覺負荷條件下呈現(xiàn),在低負荷條件下不存在。這些結果表明額葉-頂葉-枕葉通路的形成,是工作記憶引導效應產(chǎn)生的神經(jīng)基礎。本研究通過四個緊密相連的研究深入的揭示了知覺負荷與工作記憶內容各自對選擇性注意的影響,更重要的是探究了兩者在選擇性注意中的競爭交互機制,擴展了已有研究,對兩個領域進行了整合。首先,證實了高知覺負荷條件下,來自分心刺激的干擾的消失是由于非目標對分心刺激稀釋的作用,支持了稀釋模型。其次,指出大腦自發(fā)神經(jīng)活動能夠反映知覺負荷調節(jié)效應的個體差異,枕下回與額下回的功能連接性越強,知覺負荷調節(jié)效應越大,所受到的分心刺激的干擾越小。然后,發(fā)現(xiàn)視覺工作記憶內容能夠自動引導注意,且最早發(fā)生在知覺加工階段。最后,表明基于工作記憶內容的注意引導受到知覺負荷水平的調節(jié),且兩者的交互結果與分心刺激是否具有凸顯性有關,當與記憶內容匹配的分心刺激具有凸顯性時,不論是在低知覺負荷條件下還是高知覺負荷條件下,都能優(yōu)先自動捕獲注意,但隨后高知覺負荷條件消除了這種引導效應;當與記憶內容匹配的分心刺激不具有凸顯性時,高知覺負荷條件下額葉-頂葉-枕葉通路形成使基于工作記憶內容的引導效應出現(xiàn);在低知覺負荷條件下,僅僅頂葉-枕葉的耦合不足以出現(xiàn)工作記憶引導效應。這些發(fā)現(xiàn)加深了我們對知覺負荷效應和工作記憶引導效應本質的理解,并首次揭示了知覺負荷與工作記憶引導共同影響選擇性注意的時間動態(tài)和神經(jīng)機制,彌補了這兩個研究交叉領域的空白。
[Abstract]:In daily life, in order to better adapt to the complex and changeable environment, the selective attention is made to make the individual focus the limited attention on the relevant information of the target task, while ignoring the interference from the task unrelated information. The corresponding cognitive and neural basis in this process is the eternal topic in the field of cognitive psychology. On the one hand, the perceptual load level of the target task is an important factor that determines the selective attention, and forms the perceptual load theory (Lavie, 1995; LavieTsal, 1994). The theory assumes that the perceptual ability is limited, but it can automatically process all the stimuli straight to the processing resource. However, in the low perceptual load situation, the remaining attention resources of the task related processing can be spontaneous "spillover" to the unrelated distraction stimulation, and the interference from the distraction stimulus is significant. On the other hand, according to the biased competition model, the attention guidance based on working memory content is another important factor affecting selective attention (Desimone, 1998; DesimoneDuncan, 1995; DuncanHumphreys, 1989). Specifically, when we keep a certain object in working memory, we will form a memory template, visual search. The object that matches the memory template can automatically guide the attention to improve the search effectiveness. This study focuses on the development of the field of perceptual load and the field of working memory guidance and explores the competition interaction mechanism that the two are common to selective attention for the first time. The substantial causes of the perceptual load effect (Study 1) are studied. The individual difference and the corresponding neural mechanism of the perceptual load effect are studied by the resting state f MRI method (study two). Secondly, in view of the high temporal resolution of the event related potential technology (ERP), study three investigates the visual working memory content in the early visual processing stage. The effect of selective attention. Finally, study four combined the perceptual load and working memory guidance, and used ERP technology and task state fMRI technology to explore the competitive interaction mechanism between the two in selective attention. The first study examined the essential cause of the disappearance of the self distracted stimulus by the high perceptual load condition. Experiment 1 was used with L The same experimental design, avie and De Fockert (2003), used false words as non target stimuli, only using experimental materials with Chinese characteristics (Chinese star faces and names). The results were found to be able to repeat the results of previous studies. The interference of self distracting stimuli under high perceptual load conditions and low perceptual load conditions existed. Experiment 2 On the basis of Experiment 1, the dilution condition (with the same high perceptual load condition, only the red mark of the target stimulus) was changed into the group design, and the result was the same as that in the experiment 1. The interference from the celebrity face was always present, whether it was the high perceptual load, the low perceptual load or the dilution condition. In Experiment 3, the non target stimulus was turned into a real Chinese character. The results show that the interference from the distraction still exists under the condition of low perceptual load and high perceptual load, but the interference disappears under the dilution condition. In Experiment 4, the non target stimulus is turned into a real Chinese name, which makes the overlap between the non target and the distracted stimulation in the same way. The results showed that the interference from the distraction stimulus only existed under the low perceptual load condition, and the disturbance disappeared under the condition of high perceptual load and dilution. The result of the study shows that the disappearance of the distraction interference from the high perceptual load condition is due to the dilution effect of the non target stimulation on the distraction stimulation. Dependence on the degree of overlap between non target stimuli and distraction stimuli. Study two examined the relationship between the brain activity intensity (ALFF), resting function connection (RSFC) and perceptual load regulation effect. In Experiment 5, the classical perceptual load task paradigm was used, and the results were found to be significantly related to the perceived load regulation effect. The area mainly focused on the attention network and the sensory cortex, including the auxiliary motor area, the left occipital gyrus and the left inferior frontal gyrus. Among them, the resting function connection of the lower occipital and the lower frontal gyrus was significantly related to the individual difference of the perceptual load regulation effect. The study two results showed that the regulation of the interference from the distraction stimulus depended on attention. Control network. Study three explored the effect of visual working memory content on selective attention and its time history. In Experiment 6, the task paradigm of delayed matched sample task was used to use meaningless graphics as working memory content. The ERP results show that the amplitude of the matching condition is larger than the mismatch condition on the P1 component and the N1 component, and the s LORETA source location results show that the P1 component is located in the occipital lobe and the N1 component is located in the parietal lobe; the time frequency analysis results show that the energy of the alpha band is higher than the mismatch condition under the matching strip. The study three results showed that the work record was written. The recall of stimulation results in the activation enhancement in the occipital region. Subsequently, due to the reorientation of attention and the competition of visual input information, this early attention capture from working memory can be suppressed in the N1 phase and is reflected in the alpha band rhythm. Study four explored the common selection of perceptual load and working memory content. Experimental 7 increased the level of perceptual load on the basis of Experiment 6 and had a convex dominance on the basis of the experiment 6, and the results showed that the response of the matching condition at the low perceptual load level was slower than that of the mismatch condition, while the response of the matching and the mismatch condition under the high perceptual load level was not clear. The ERP results showed that the P1 amplitude of the matching condition was significantly greater than that of the mismatch condition, regardless of the low perceptual load or the high perceptual load condition. However, on the N1 component, the N1 amplitude of the matching condition under the low perceptual load condition was larger than that of the mismatch condition, and there was no significant difference between the.SLORETA source location results and the P1 component under the high load condition. The related effects are located in the occipital lobe area, and the N1 component related effects are located in the parietal area. These results suggest that in selective attention, information maintained in working memory can automatically capture attention at the early visual processing stage, but this early memory capture based on working memory accommodation is regulated by the level of perceptual load, The condition of high perceptual load disappears the working memory guidance effect. In Experiment 8, the classic delay matched sample task paradigm was used, but the distraction stimulus was bound to the target task and did not have a convex dominance. The behavior results showed that the response of the memory matching test to the neutral test was not significant, and the high load was high under the low perceptual load condition. The response of the memory matching test was significantly slower than that of the neutral test. The fMRI results showed that the main areas of the main effect of the load were mainly distributed in the frontal, temporal and occipital areas; the main effect of the main effect was mainly in the occipital lobe, and the brain regions activated by the interaction effect of load and effectiveness were mainly distributed in the part of the anterior wedge. The results of functional connection showed that under the condition of low perceptual load, the front leaves of the wedge were positively coupled to the occipital lobe, and the front leaves of the wedge were positively coupled to the occipital and frontal lobes under the high perceptual load. The coupling between the front and the frontal leaves was present only under the condition of high perceptual load and did not exist under the condition of low load. These results indicated that the frontal parietal lobes occipital lobe pathway Formation is the neural basis of the working memory guidance effect. In this study, four closely linked studies have been carried out to reveal the effects of perceptual load and working memory on selective attention, and more importantly, to explore the competitive interaction mechanism between the two in selective attention, to expand the existing research and to carry out the two fields. First, it is proved that the disappearance of the interference from the distraction stimulus is due to the dilution of the distractor stimulation under the condition of high perceptual load, which supports the dilution model. Secondly, it is pointed out that the spontaneous neural activity of the brain can reflect the individual difference of the perceptual load regulation effect. The stronger the functional connectivity of the lower occipital and the lower frontal gyrus, the stronger the perception. The greater the load regulation effect, the smaller the interference of the distraction stimulus. Then, it is found that the visual working memory content can automatically guide attention and first occur in the perceptual processing stage. Finally, it shows that the attention guidance based on the working memory content is subject to the level of perceptual load, and whether the interaction results of the two are with the distraction stimulus. There is a convex dominance. When the distraction that matches the memory content has a convex dominance, whether it is under the low perceptual load condition or the high perceptual load condition, it can capture attention automatically, but then the high perceptual load condition eliminates the guidance effect; when the distraction that matches the memory content does not have the convex dominance, it is high. Under the condition of perceptual load, the frontal parietal occipital lobe pathway formed a guiding effect based on working memory content. Under low perceptual load, only the coupling of the parietal lobes and occipital leaves was not sufficient to show the working memory guidance effect. These discoveries deepened our understanding of the perceptual load effect and the nature of the working memory guidance effect, and for the first time It reveals the time dynamics and neural mechanism of the influence of perceptual load and working memory guidance on selective attention, which makes up for the gaps between the two research fields.


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5 段小菊;施建農;;工作記憶發(fā)展的兩種理論解釋[A];第十一屆全國心理學學術會議論文摘要集[C];2007年

6 吳文春;金志成;;言語工作記憶與視覺工作記憶關系的研究[A];第十一屆全國心理學學術會議論文摘要集[C];2007年

7 金云波;許遠理;;工作記憶訓練研究述評[A];增強心理學服務社會的意識和功能——中國心理學會成立90周年紀念大會暨第十四屆全國心理學學術會議論文摘要集[C];2011年

8 陳彩琦;榮亞朝;;工作記憶內容引起的注意聚焦和注意抑制[A];第十五屆全國心理學學術會議論文摘要集[C];2012年

9 李京;;口譯中的工作記憶初探[A];福建省外國語文學會2013年年會暨海峽兩岸翻譯學術研討會論文集[C];2013年

10 沈模衛(wèi);李杰;高在峰;;客體復雜度影響工作記憶可存儲的客體數(shù)目[A];第十二屆全國心理學學術大會論文摘要集[C];2009年

相關重要報紙文章 前8條

1 記者 曹繼軍 顏維琦;大腦工作記憶作用機制被發(fā)現(xiàn)[N];光明日報;2014年

2 周仁來 趙鑫 北京師范大學認知神經(jīng)科學與學習國家重點實驗室;北京師范大學應用實驗心理北京市重點實驗室;智力可以通過訓練提高嗎[N];中國社會科學報;2010年

3 記者 劉莉;活動記憶讓孩子更聰明[N];科技日報;2011年

4 記者段佳;活動記憶讓孩子變得更聰明[N];大眾科技報;2011年

5 ;“腦宇宙”能迸發(fā)出怎樣的智慧能量?[N];文匯報;2014年

6 中國科學院心理研究所 李德明 李貴蕓 南京師范大學教育科學研究院心理研究所 劉昌;高級知識分子老來“聰明依舊”[N];中國醫(yī)藥報;2002年

7 本報記者 李嬋;語言影響思維找到新證據(jù)[N];北京科技報;2004年

8 本報記者 宋育欣;誰動了青少年的睡眠[N];吉林日報;2012年

相關博士學位論文 前10條

1 杜紅芹;心智游移在不同任務中的發(fā)生特點及影響因素[D];華中師范大學;2015年

2 司家瑞;LFPs-Spikes互信息與互相干編碼大鼠工作記憶的研究[D];天津醫(yī)科大學;2013年

3 易虎;工作記憶LFP網(wǎng)絡和spike網(wǎng)絡協(xié)同機制的研究[D];天津醫(yī)科大學;2015年

4 李松;基于rTMS的大腦信息存儲過程關聯(lián)腦區(qū)的EEG研究[D];北京協(xié)和醫(yī)學院;2016年

5 方曉靜;基于靜息態(tài)功能磁共振影像的工作記憶網(wǎng)絡研究[D];電子科技大學;2016年

6 史戰(zhàn);考試焦慮者工作記憶刷新功能的特征及矯治訓練[D];東南大學;2016年

7 郭瑋;不同運動鍛煉方式老年人的視空間工作記憶的特征[D];上海體育學院;2017年

8 譚金鳳;知覺負荷與工作記憶內容在選擇性注意中的作用[D];西南大學;2017年

9 潘毅;基于工作記憶內容的視覺注意捕獲及其自動性研究[D];浙江大學;2009年

10 高在峰;客體表征在視覺工作記憶中的構建[D];浙江大學;2009年

相關碩士學位論文 前10條

1 王秋玲;視覺工作記憶對言語工作記憶的影響[D];曲阜師范大學;2010年

2 包健;本科生和?粕ぷ饔洃浖庸づc存儲的比較研究[D];內蒙古師范大學;2010年

3 魯露露;工作記憶負荷對兩種類別學習的影響[D];浙江師范大學;2010年

4 陳海俠;小學生工作記憶的干預研究[D];華東師范大學;2011年

5 姚穎蕾;小學生工作記憶的發(fā)展及其在數(shù)學學習中的作用[D];華東師范大學;2011年

6 方偉軍;工作記憶提取中的激活與抑制[D];華南師范大學;2005年

7 陳晶晶;不同刺激誘發(fā)的情緒對工作記憶的影響[D];南京師范大學;2011年

8 佐X;基于視覺工作記憶內容的注意導向的認知機制[D];西南大學;2012年

9 王晨;表征風格及數(shù)學學習困難對個體視工作記憶資源分配特征的影響[D];東北師范大學;2012年

10 李然;視覺工作記憶負荷類型對注意選擇的影響[D];浙江大學;2013年





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