Determinant Factors of Indonesia’s Import from China and Its
發(fā)布時間:2024-05-11 18:25
【文章頁數(shù)】:200 頁
ABSTRACT List of Abbreviations Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Indonesia’s Import from China Overview
1.3 Literature Review
1.4 Research Gap
1.5 Rationale of the Study
1.6 Research Questions and Hypotheses
1.7 Research Purpose
1.8 Data Source
1.9 Research Methodology
1.10 Structure of the Dissertation
1.11 Limitations of the Study
1.12 Summary of the Chapter Chapter Two Background: Indonesia and China Relationship
2.1 Introduction
2.1.1 International trade between Indonesia with China Since Mid 1980s
2.1.2 International trade between Indonesia with China in the 1990s
2.1.3 China and Indonesia Trade Relations in the ACFTA
2.2 Economic dynamics of China and Indonesia
2.2.1 China’s Economic Reform since 1970s
2.2.2 Changes of Indonesia’s Economic Policy since 1970
2.2.3 The Asian Economic Crisis And Beyond
2.2.4 Banking Sector Problem
2.2.5 Problems Associated With Open Financial Systems.
2.2.6 The Governance Problem
2.3 Factors Which To Influence The Indonesians Import From China
2.4 Summary of the Chapter Chapter Three Theoretical Overview and Hypotheses Development
3.1 Import
3.2 Relationship Between Import and GDP
3.3 Relationship Between Import and Exchange Value (Exchange Rate)
3.4 Relationship Between Import and Foreign Exchange Reserve
3.5 Relationship Between Import and FDI
3.6 Relationship Between Import and Interest Rate
3.7 Relationship Between Import and Export
3.8 Relationship Between Import and Balance of Trade
3.9 Model Development
3.10 Summary of the Chapter Chapter Four Empirical Methodology
4.1 Research Population and Samples
4.2 Data Collection Method
4.3 VECM Analysis Methods
4.3.1 Stationarity Test (Unit Root Test)
4.3.2 Determine Optimum Lag
4.3.3 VECM Stability Test
4.3.4 Granger Causality Test
4.3.5 Co-integration Test
4.3.6 Significant Test of VECM Estimation Result
4.3.7 Impulse Response Function Analysis
4.3.8 Variance Decomposition Analysis
4.3.9 Wald statistics test
4.4 Summary of the Chapter Chapter Five Result: Processing the Data uses STATA and Eviews Program
5.1 Introduction:Statistic Test of VECM Method
5.2 Stationarity Statistic test
5.3 Determine Optimum Lag
5.4 VECM Stability Test
5.5 Granger Causality Test
5.6 Regress of the IFC Granger Causality Test Result
5.7 Co-integration Test
5.8 Significant Test of VECM Estimation Result
5.9 Impulse Response Function
5.10 Variance Decomposition
5.11 Summary of the Chapter Chapter Six Discussion: Determinants of Indonesians Import from China
6.1. Short-Term Relationship
6.2. Long-Term Relationship
6.2.1 Relationship Among The IFC and Itself
6.2.2 Relationship Between IFC and GDP
6.2.3 Relationship Between IFC and Exchange value
6.2.4 Relationship Between IFC and FER
6.2.5 Relationship Between IFC and FDI
6.2.6 Relationship Between IFC and Interest Rate
6.2.7 Relationship Between IFC and Export
6.2.8 Relationship Between IFC and BOTITC
6.3 Summary of the Chapter Chapter seven:Impact of the Indonesia's Import from China
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Impact of the IFC toward GDP
7.3 Impact of the IFC toward the Exchange Value
7.4 Impact of the IFC toward the FER
7.5 Impact of the IFC toward the FDI
7.6 Impact of the IFC toward the Interest Rate
7.7 Impact of the IFC toward the Export
7.8 Impact of the IFC toward the BOTITC
7.9 Conclusion of the Chapter
7.10 Summary of the Chapter Chapter Eight: Conclusion
8.1 Determinants of Indonesia's Import from China
8.1.1. Short-Term Relationship
8.1.2. Long-Term Relationship
8.2 Impact of the Indonesia's Import from China
8.3 Direction of Relationships Between Variables
8.4 Research Contribution
8.5 Advice And Policy Implementation
8.6 Research innovation
8.7 Limitations and Future Research Recommendations
8.8 Summary of the Chapter References ATTACHMENTS 學位論文評閱及答辯情況表