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近年來學者愈發(fā)關(guān)注語篇分析中的銜接與連貫的研究,話語標記語被認為是一種銜接手段也備受關(guān)注。本文以話語標記語的使用是語用能力的體現(xiàn)為理據(jù),根據(jù)Fraser提出的話語標記語分類,在語料庫研究理論和方法指導下,旨在探究中國非英語專業(yè)大學生在英語議論文寫作中話語標記語的使用情況。通過對比研究,考察中國非英語專業(yè)大學生和英國本族語使用者的大學生在英語議論文中使用話語標記語方面的異同,期望對中國英語寫作教學提供一些建議。本文采用中介語對比分析方法和語料庫的研究方法,結(jié)合定量分析和定性分析,以CLEC中的子語料庫為實驗語料庫,以LOCNESS中的子語料庫為參照語料庫,使用語料檢索工具AntConc 3.4.3w和Log-likelihood ratio calculator等其它分析工具,分析話語標記語在中國非英語專業(yè)大學生和英國本族語使用者的大學生的英語議論文中的使用情況。本文根據(jù)Fraser對話語標記語的分類,在兩個子語料庫中分別提取相應(yīng)的話語標記語,首先探究話語標記語的整體使用情況,然后對推導性話語標記語、闡發(fā)性話語標記語和對比性話語標記語這三類話語標記語進行探究,最后探究67個話語標記語在兩...
【文章頁數(shù)】:63 頁
1 Introduction
1.1 Research Background
1.2 Significance and Necessity of the Study
1.3 Purpose of the Study
1.4 Organization of the Thesis
2 Literature Review
2.1 Terminological Diversity of DMs
2.2 Definitions of DMs
2.3 Characteristics of DMs
2.3.1 Connectivity
2.3.2 Optionality
2.3.3 Non-truth-conditionality
2.4 Classifications of DMs
2.4.1 Schiffrin’s Classification
2.4.2 Fraser’s Classification
2.4.3 Classification Suggested by Blakemore
2.5 Functions of DMs in Written Discourse
2.5.1 Local Coherence
2.5.2 Global Coherence
2.6 The Studies on DMs
2.6.1 Semantic -pragmatic Approach
2.6.2 Syntactic-pragmatic Approach
2.6.3 Cognitive-pragmatic Approach
2.7 The Studies on the Use and Acquisition of DMs
2.8 Theoretical Basis
3 Methodology
3.1 Research Questions
3.2 Methods for Corpus-based Study
3.2.1 Corpus-based Approach
3.2.2 Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods
3.2.3 Contrastive Interlangaue Analysis
3.3 Corpora Used in the Present Study
3.4 Tools
3.4.1 Detagging Software
3.4.2 The Concordance Software
3.4.3 Statistical Tools
3.5 Data Collection
3.6 Data Analysis
4 Results and Discussion
4.1 The General Characteristics of DMs in the Mini CLEC
4.1.1 The Overall Frequency and Distribution of DMs
4.1.2 The Frequencies and Distribution of Types of DMs
4.2 The General Characteristics of DMs in the Mini LOCNESS
4.2.1 The Overall Frequency and Distribution of DMs
4.2.2 The Frequencies and Distribution of Types of DMs
4.3 Comparisons of DMs in the Two Mini Corpora
4.3.1 Comparisons of Overall Frequency and Distribution of Types of DMs
4.3.2 Detailed Information on Comparisons of DMs
4.4 The Underused and Overused DMs in the Mini CLEC
4.4.1 The Benchmark of Underused and Overused of DMs
4.4.2 The Analysis of Underused and Overused DMs
4.5 The Misused DMs in the Mini CLEC
4.6 The Possible Factors for Contribution to Underuse, Overuse and Misuse
4.6.1 Lack of Input
4.6.2 Language Transfer
4.6.3 Test-related Influence
5 Conclusion
5.1 Major Findings
5.2 Pedagogical Implications
5.3 Limitations of the Study
5.4 Suggestions for Further Research
【文章頁數(shù)】:63 頁
1 Introduction
1.1 Research Background
1.2 Significance and Necessity of the Study
1.3 Purpose of the Study
1.4 Organization of the Thesis
2 Literature Review
2.1 Terminological Diversity of DMs
2.2 Definitions of DMs
2.3 Characteristics of DMs
2.3.1 Connectivity
2.3.2 Optionality
2.3.3 Non-truth-conditionality
2.4 Classifications of DMs
2.4.1 Schiffrin’s Classification
2.4.2 Fraser’s Classification
2.4.3 Classification Suggested by Blakemore
2.5 Functions of DMs in Written Discourse
2.5.1 Local Coherence
2.5.2 Global Coherence
2.6 The Studies on DMs
2.6.1 Semantic -pragmatic Approach
2.6.2 Syntactic-pragmatic Approach
2.6.3 Cognitive-pragmatic Approach
2.7 The Studies on the Use and Acquisition of DMs
2.8 Theoretical Basis
3 Methodology
3.1 Research Questions
3.2 Methods for Corpus-based Study
3.2.1 Corpus-based Approach
3.2.2 Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods
3.2.3 Contrastive Interlangaue Analysis
3.3 Corpora Used in the Present Study
3.4 Tools
3.4.1 Detagging Software
3.4.2 The Concordance Software
3.4.3 Statistical Tools
3.5 Data Collection
3.6 Data Analysis
4 Results and Discussion
4.1 The General Characteristics of DMs in the Mini CLEC
4.1.1 The Overall Frequency and Distribution of DMs
4.1.2 The Frequencies and Distribution of Types of DMs
4.2 The General Characteristics of DMs in the Mini LOCNESS
4.2.1 The Overall Frequency and Distribution of DMs
4.2.2 The Frequencies and Distribution of Types of DMs
4.3 Comparisons of DMs in the Two Mini Corpora
4.3.1 Comparisons of Overall Frequency and Distribution of Types of DMs
4.3.2 Detailed Information on Comparisons of DMs
4.4 The Underused and Overused DMs in the Mini CLEC
4.4.1 The Benchmark of Underused and Overused of DMs
4.4.2 The Analysis of Underused and Overused DMs
4.5 The Misused DMs in the Mini CLEC
4.6 The Possible Factors for Contribution to Underuse, Overuse and Misuse
4.6.1 Lack of Input
4.6.2 Language Transfer
4.6.3 Test-related Influence
5 Conclusion
5.1 Major Findings
5.2 Pedagogical Implications
5.3 Limitations of the Study
5.4 Suggestions for Further Research